August 30, 2010 Trump drinks a milkshake with a straw at a Yankees game.

August 30, 2010 Trump drinks a milkshake with a straw at a Yankees game.

Posted by Urbanviking1

  1. Nothing weird about drinking milkshakes that way tbf. He IS weird though. The supply-side economics and outright corruption, alongside the pure venality and two-facedness is particularly weird.

    Raping people isn’t weird – it’s heinous.

    Cronyism isn’t weird – it’s dangerous.

    Narcissism isn’t weird – it’s lamentable.

    I simultaneously feel sorry for Trump yet despise him. He isn’t a normal human; the guy just wants unmitigated self-indulgence and unabashed, unabated attention – he’s a narc.

    I hope he’s punished for what he’s done. He won’t understand it but he needs it.

  2. Trump is good at sucking. Felony Trump sucks biggly. Rapist Trump sucks the best. Convicted Trump sucks so good.

  3. He looks like he’s thinking of all the ways the world has wronged him, especially that hair stylist

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