UN Expert Warns Israel on Track to Exterminate Nearly Entire Gaza Population – 335,500

UN Expert Warns Israel on Track to Exterminate Nearly Entire Gaza Population – 335,500

UN Expert Warns Israel on Track to Exterminate Nearly Entire Gaza Population

Posted by aymanzone

  1. >

    >And, as Sridhar writes in her *Guardian* report, the calculation that she borrows from *The Lancet* editorial is highly conservative — meaning the death toll could be even higher than her 335,500 estimate.

    >Israeli officials have repeatedly suggested that they would be happy to kill all 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza. 

    It was was already a violent apartheid, ethnic cleansing operation pre-Oct 2024.

    Whatever you think of Hamas and the horrors of Oct 2024, and they are horrors indeed :/

    The violence required for the initial genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to Gaza (the open air prison), and the violence required to maintain this medieval siege on Gaza (or siege verging on evil – as per UN reports), the constant mowing the lawn (according to Israeli gov. politicians pre-Oct 2024 – in a population where 50% are children, what type of politician says “mowing the lawn” and goes through with it, pre 2024), the violence required to maintain this inhumanity was much much worse.

    I think the world forgot about Gazans for a while, and I guess now, the world will remember them as a genocided people. I’m lucky to not have been born there, under a brutal theocratic occupation… wait, it’s a democracy???

  2. UN “expert” is insane.

    It is amazing how UN is pissing away its legitimacy because they are angry you can not pogrom Jews anymore without consequences.

    300,000? What kind of made up BS is that. Not even Hamas (cursed be their name) is making up such ridiculous numbers. Why not gillion bazillion? Why not “Israel on tracks to kill all 500 millions Arabs!”

    Albanese should focus on release on Israeli Hostages, but nuh.

  3. I love how the headline tries to give Albanese legitimacy by referring to her as a UN expert instead of putting her name.

    For those who don’t know, the said “UN expert” has long history of being anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.


    The UN hurts its own credibility when they have people like her working on this issue. Even if she is being unbiased in this report, her past statements have completely denied her standing. Why not have more objective people who don’t have a long history of being openly supportive of one side in the conflict?!

  4. Pretty sure that literally every single war to ever happen throughout history has been “on track to exterminate the entire population” if you just assume that it will never end.

    The problem with that assumption, of course, is that wars do eventually end.

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