Fraternal Order of Police Condemned for Endorsing Criminal Trump

Fraternal Order of Police Condemned for Endorsing Criminal Trump

Fraternal Order of Police Condemned for Endorsing Criminal Trump

Posted by inewser

  1. I wish “condemned” meant the same thing in this case as it does when talking about old buildings. By which I mean “demolition” usually follows.

  2. FOP has endorsed a multiple convicted felon. How in gods name are you supposed to respect and honor them afterthat?

  3. As a former cop…. Fraternal order of police suck ass hole. They do nothing but line their own pockets. Friend of mine became permanently disabled from being shot in the line of duty in the head. He never saw one cent from them or received the help they claim they give.

  4. Because we still need police reform. There’s still tons of rotten apples in the police and many of them want Trump because he would implement policies that would give them less oversight.

  5. Endorsing the guy that wants to pardon people that assaulted cops for him. Geez, They aren’t even loyal to each other. So they either just don’t care about other cops or they’re getting some kind of kickback.

  6. How embarrassing for them. In the words of the Late Great Maya Angelou, “When They Tell You Who They Are The First Time, Believe Them.” Enough Said.

  7. It’d be nice if the actual police members would condemn their unions for this.
    I’ve seen way too many PBAs endorsing the felon.

  8. Ok, I hope they understand that this includes cutting off local support for their community programs as well. More money for charities that actually care about people, and law.

  9. They are not officers of the law. They have sold there souls to this centuries version of Hitler.

  10. Corruption in the open
    Why would any police officer support Trump has a life long history of criminal behavior. Shame on them all.

  11. Anyone who has watched the weird HBO documentary “Telemarketers” will understand why the FOPs would back a convicted con-man. Birds of a Feather, and all that.

  12. Please don’t take these comments as anti-cop. I’m simply anti the FOP leadership. After watching the HBO Telemarketers! documentary, it became clear that the FOP organization has been scamming the public out of millions for decades. The bulk of the telemarketers’ clients are state lodges of the Fraternal Order of Police. Having an endorsement from a gutter organization with a history linked to unscrupulous and deceptive fundraising practices is not anything to be proud of. You fall where you mingle, Donald.

  13. Surprises no one. They’re the most anti liberal democratic, antisocial, fascist people in america

  14. Makes you wonder what kind of police they are??? Stupid or crooked? They aren’t interested in upholding the law that’s for sure

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