It Appears Melania Trump Is Embroiled in Another Scandal Where She’s Copied Someone Else’s Work

It Appears Melania Trump Is Embroiled in Another Scandal Where She’s Copied Someone Else’s Work

Posted by Nika_Guina

  1. It’s hard to not copy someone’s work when you have no idea what work even looks or feels like. 

  2. Say it with me everyone…

    I Really Don’t Care, Do U?

    Actually, yeah it probably IS worth caring about this useless incompetent moron MAGA mob family, so far as to hold them accountable for their shit.

  3. See these right wing books are just money laundering. They don’t actually try to sell them. You just need a book.

  4. “Is stealing wrong here? My husband does it all the time. This country is so confusing!”

  5. I’m all for bashing anyone in the Trumposphere, but white bolded sans serif lettering on a solid black background isn’t exactly the height of creativity or anything. 👀

  6. She’s an immigrant, Republicans say immigrants don’t know our laws.  

    She’s married to the guy who just lost $4B and didn’t notice.  She doesn’t care.  

  7. Doubtful she ever read the poor bastard of a ghostwriter who likely cut & pasted it all. Doubtful she read the published “book” as it’s not her thing, darlinks!

  8. I can guarantee you it wasn’t something like the “Be Best” slogan. I’m pretty sure that was all hers.

  9. LOLz, why is anyone surprised?

    She’s a barnacle, with no obvious talents or skills, a leech just like the rest of those grifters.

    She’d be best suited to living in a hut in the woods, waiting for children to come by she can steal off them.

  10. After the elections, there should be an investigation on how she got citizenship  via the Einstein visa . Wtf.

  11. Read this exact article a few days ago on Reddit. She has never tried to do anything with originality! She even chose the worlds second oldest profession as a way of life!
    I guess the title:
    “Who Really Cares” didn’t just pop into her pea sized brain?

  12. She so freaking lifeless when I see her she has no essence or substance to her just an empty vessel meandering through her empty reality

  13. Didn’t she at least come up with “Be best” or some such drivel? That ought to impress most of her current husband’s supporters. Compared to Trump she sounds like an English speaker.

  14. Not a smart women. The definition of stupidity is to keep doing the same thing but expect a different result.

    Barron is fucked!

  15. I’m still anticipating the moment when Trump and Melania come to an agreement on her appearance fee and then she shows up at one of his rallies and she gives us another of her plagiarised Michelle Obama speeches where she only changes one or two words.

    “For years, Kamala Harris did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. His limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be black.”.

  16. She is bisexual, there is pictures to prove it and she’s a whore. She blew his mushroom to get to the top and now she hates him. She is no better than he is a copycat. He’s a thief. She’s a thief and the kids are thieves too except for Tiffany I feel sorry for Tiffany. He doesn’t even acknowledge her.

  17. Is anybody still surprised by this Slovenian gold-digger’s plagiarism habit? She’s done it before with her blatant plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s speech, and she’ll continue to copy other people’s writing well into the future. All we can do is call her out on it every time she commits another plagiary. I often wonder how Melania was ever found worthy of a “genius visa.” The bar must be set quite low.

  18. I’m shocked…utterly shocked. We only let the best immigratants get nationalized for their unique skills like plagiarism

  19. She may have copied the look, but I call BS on the article’s claim that it’s the exact same font. It’s similar, for sure. But it’s not the same.

  20. You know the author doesn’t create the book cover, right? I mean, my opinion of any Trump is pretty much floor level, but even I have a limit on far I’ll go just to score a point.

    Publishers create a book’s cover and usually have control of the title. Fonts can be in the public domain, or the publisher may have licensed it from Chanel. It’s a classic look that evokes an image. The publisher is simply picking up on the “trade dress” of a popular perfume to make a connection in the readers’ minds; it’s derivative but not plagiarism. Take a look in the cereal aisle of the grocery store; all the generic brand corn flakes boxes look a whole lot like the Kellogg’s box. Same thing.

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