This Russian influence story is far from over

This Russian influence story is far from over

Posted by vulturesponge

  1. “In breaking news this evening, Donald Trump removed his face, which was secretly a rubber mask all along, to reveal that he is, in fact, an extraterrestrial lizard bent on global domination, which he plans to cap off with the systematic extermination of every human on the planet.”

    MAGA supporters: “I mean, sure, extermination sounds bad and all, but I just can’t vote for a democrat.”

    Literally nothing will shake the cult from their blind faith in the orange one.

  2. He’s either blackmailed or paid off. Chances are he’s blackmailed with the fact he’s paid off. He’s in too deep and has been since he started taking loans from Russian banks.

  3. He’s not being paid. He’s being blackmailed and I hope Putin releases the details after Trump loses.

  4. He only does 2 things for free. everything is a transaction. Statements endorsements any sort of favor has to be paid for. He’s a grifter, all day every day.

  5. What year was that Golf Digest quote of Eric’s about them getting all the funding they need from Russia? Or Sr’s Palm Beach property flip in the middle of the 2007 housing crisis? They got the money years ago, and are still paying the juice on it.

  6. I really think he is stupid enough he might be doing it free to suck up to Putin, or is being blackmailed. But he’s dumb as fuck.

  7. I know his idiot followers will believe that r if they believe he’s being paid, it won’t be a deal,breaker.

  8. I don’t think he’s doing it for free. I think Putin is providing Mango Mussolini with kompromat that he uses to keep the republicans, that really hate him, in check. How else would he be able to badmouth virtually every other republican, but still have them eagerly licking his wee balls? #KOMPROMAT

  9. “Trump is doing it to pay off Putin for whatever crimes Trump did in Russia. Neither Cheney nor Stone could protect him from his own degenerate excesses.”

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