Trump calls for modifying 25th Amendment to make it possible to remove a vice president

Trump calls for modifying 25th Amendment to make it possible to remove a vice president

Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. He wanted someone who would do what he wants them to do, not someone democratically elected to the position… Didn’t he spend weeks bitching about this with Harris being the new candidate?

  2. I’m so sick of this turd trying to bend the laws to fit his narrative. This disgusting pig should be in prison awaiting the gallows given the level of treason we are at….

  3. JD Vance, forlornly eating a donut as it dawns on him that everyone who falls into Trumps orbit is destroyed, wondering why he agreed to this.

  4. Ha. He wants to be able to fire JD. HE KNOWS JD is gunning for the presidency.
    He made a big mistake. Can never stay with his decisions. That’s why he can’t be trusted.

  5. He sure is dumb hell. Not as dumb as the people who pray to him. They are the true champions of dumb.

  6. I mean, honestly in a vacuum, he’s not wrong. We actually don’t have a way to remove an incapacitated Vice President, and that’s a potential problem.

    Of course, his obvious goal is to remove a VP who won’t do what they are told. So that’s a huge issue

  7. I’ll be honest, as I was reading that article I started thinking that the edible I’d eaten earlier was kicking in because their description of the rally sounded crazy. Then, I realized that the edible hasn’t kicked in yet and the description of the rally was crazy.

  8. So, under his hypothetical he’s working with. They won’t 25th Biden but they would the VP. LOL

  9. He’s shaking in his boots right now. He wants her out so she can’t certify the results of the 2024 election if he loses. I believe that Mike Johnson would have to do it if she is out.

  10. I can hardly wait until the only thing this asshole is calling for is a diaper change, from behind bars.

  11. He is a PRIVATE CITIZEN who happens to be running for president and he has ZERO power to demand anything..this is exactly why he can’t be president.. he thinks he can demand anything and ruin people’s lives with no many people has he made threats against and called for them to be executed or put in prison!!

  12. I cannot wait for Tuesday’s debate. Dude is gonna get his ass handed to him and it’s gonna be hilarious.

  13. LOL you just can’t “modify” Constitutional amendments. He always acts like he has magical superpowers, and can just do whatever he feels like whenever he pleases.

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