The only known accomplishments of the American Green Party

The only known accomplishments of the American Green Party

Posted by BigDaddyCoolDeisel

  1. Well their accomplishments are getting considerably more stupid. If the drop in IQ continues, I’m not sure the planet can survive a third time on that ride.

  2. The Green Party is sus. Like, on paper, I agree with every single one of their policies (clean energy, free healthcare, civil rights, bodily autonomy etc), and so would a lot of people…. But they do not self-advertise at all even though they’re bearing a popular message. They only appear during the election cycles, and it always results in helping the Republicans. They’re fishy af 

  3. Russian plants – they are completely invisible at the local level ( even in a very liberal / left community like Madison. WI), than magically crawl from underneath a rock for every presidential election

  4. More Democrats voted for GWB in FL than 3rd party. But Gore won it, if they were allowed to actually count the votes cast by Americans there.

    Trump didn’t make Hillary’s team do get-out-the-vote calls in the swing state of PA.

    Or fail to campaign (preferring to do 300+ private fund raisers for $$$ instead of large free public rallies to build voter enthusiasm)

    > Mr Obama said the Democratic candidate, who was beaten to the white house by Republican Donald Trump in last week’s shock election result, failed to “show up everywhere”, losing out on the white, non-urban vote.

    > During the president’s own election campaign, Mr Obama outperformed Ms Clinton in most suburbs and crucially, in critical swing areas in the midwest.

    > “You know, I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall, and there were some counties where I might have lost, but maybe I lost by 20 points instead of 50 points,” he said.

    > “There are some counties maybe I won that people didn’t expect because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting for.”

  5. Jill Stein really does seem to be a Russian asset. She only runs to draw away votes from Democrats. Why else would Putin waste time having dinner with her? She hasn’t accomplished anything else.

  6. Nah. I’m no fan of the Green Party but they didn’t cost either of these elections. 2016 Clinton didn’t campaign in Wisconsin because both her and her campaign staff were to damn arrogant. And in 2000 the Supreme Court took it from Gore, who also ran a terrible campaign because he had the personality of a wet towel. The only thing these have in common is the Dem establishment tried to force through a hand picked candidate who was incredibly weak and was the opposite of what the core voters of the party wanted. Don’t blame voters. Especially not the 1.4% who vote green that is just lazy and dumb

  7. If they wanted to have an actual impact, they’d be a wing of the Democratic Party instead of siphoning off support from them. Feels very, “We’d rather lose than compromise our principles! Why do things keep getting worse?”

  8. In every state, more eligible voters choose not to vote than those who vote 3rd party. Often by 10 times as much. Don’t blame 3rd party voters. Blame the way more numerous non voters. Don’t you agree that the two choices that we’re given usually suck? By voting 3rd party, we are doing our part to create change because we care. Eligible non voters are perpetuating a broken system by not caring enough to bother. I respect their right to stay out of it. Why legitimize this system by participating? But you’re blaming the one who is trying when there are 10 who aren’t.

  9. I bit. The lesser of two evils is still evil so I went with the Greens. Trump won that year. Would never have voted for Biden but for Trump. Feel like writing in his name (Saint Joe) this year, but I won’t. Two party system is the true evil. Open it up. Make the fucking politicians work for it. Forced coalition is the way to go

  10. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both won. Neither the voters, nor any third party caused these disaster presidencies. They happened because the electoral college exists.

    If we want to prevent this from happening again, we have to abolish the electoral college.

  11. Jill Stein and David Cobb, Russian shills allegedly, infiltrated the Green Party in order to destroy it and next to destroy the Democratic Party.

  12. Imagine how much better off the US and the world would be had Gore taken office in 2001.

    There’s a good chance he wouldn’t have blown off the intelligence info on the 9/11 attack and it could have been stopped.

    Even if it wasn’t stopped, there would certainly have been no Iraq war and all the cascade of effects from that—ISIS, Syria destabilized, etc.

    We’d be 20 years ahead in terms of progress on global warming.

  13. Everyone agrees that the Green Party platform rocks. Unfortunately, it is and always has been a GOP gambit to drain off 5% of the Dem votes.

    And it works, so it is repeated every cycle. This year it’s RFKJr.

  14. Democrats need to stop thinking they are entitled to people’s votes and actually have a progressive agenda.

  15. It is refreshing how different the online space is this time around vs the last two elections.

    Doesn’t seem like as many people are humoring the bots and the useful idiots this time around.

    Gives me hope.

  16. I feel really responsible for Bush, campaigned really hard for Nader in Florida that year. In hindsight I feel quite foolish.

  17. If there were ranked choice voting Green could make sense. But in the current system, and with no party siphoning off voters from the right, a vote for Green is a vote for Trump.

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