Trump claims that kids are going to school and coming back a different sex, well I guess anything is possible because Donald went from New York tough guy to Putin’s bitch in a New York minute.

Trump claims that kids are going to school and coming back a different sex, well I guess anything is possible because Donald went from New York tough guy to Putin’s bitch in a New York minute.

Posted by NachoBag_Clip932

  1. My wife is an educator. I have to buy tissues, pencils, dry erase markers, bulletin board paper, etc on MY salary.

    Schools can’t afford that stuff, how can they afford GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery), Dumb Donald?

  2. No, donOLD, I can’t imagine that happening. But what I can imagine is my kids experiencing a school shooter.

  3. These insane lies, and people eat them right up. You want to know what is ACTUALLY happening in schools? Mass shootings.

  4. They believe this shit just like they believe the litter box bullshit. If it’s not true there isn’t anything to be mad about and they really, really want to be mad.

  5. I have so many questions…

    Does the teacher do the surgery at the school?

    Does the school bring the kid to a hospital where a dr does the surgery?

    Do they get an attendance point for the time missed during this imaginary surgery?

    Does insurance cover this? Is it pre-authorized? Is it done for free?

  6. Can you imagine being a parent and your son leaves the house and you say Jimmy I love you so much. Go have a good day in school and your son doesn’t come back because there was another school shooting today.

  7. Is he talking about elons kid? I know that elon had some complaints about his daughter’s surgery, but he signed the papers and acted like he didn’t read it afterwards.

  8. Barron’s gonna come home for Thanksgiving break with an earring and a cold sore, so he better get ready for that, too.

  9. If there’s any cosmic justice, hell will be this guy coming home from the brutal operation day-after-day for eternity.

  10. Can you imagine your child going off to school, you’re scared the teachers are going to perform a sex change operation, then you get a call from the school informing you that a shooter killed your kid.

  11. Dementia Don. I think he really believes that of course as someone else has said if you’ve ever been into a school and looked at the nurses station, you’re lucky if there’s a place for the child to lie down or aspirin or Tylenol for them to take, of course, for the small percentage of people who go through operations, they first have to go through psychiatric counseling and many other stages and if he’s interested in how this works, he could actually talk with doctors whatever goes on in his head

  12. I really want to know how many people are listening to this shit and saying to themselves, wow, I didn’t know that was happening.

  13. I have a trans son in a Minnesota public school. The school didn’t have anything to do with him being trans and they don’t do surgery. How stupid does someone have to be to believe that? They don’t try to make kids trans or gay, they just respect however they identify. We didn’t tell our son he was trans, he told us and we tell the schools. I wish the media would make any effort at all to correct this arrant, child hurting bullshit. The gross irony is that forcibly misgendering children is exactly what they want to do. They are all about grooming what they decide is girls to be house slaves and baby factories

  14. It’s hard to decide which is more out of touch, idiotic, this crap, or the post birth abortion bullshit.

  15. I thought he was going to say, “Can you imagine kids being fucking shot dead in school?” That statement would reflect what really happens and is not just fantasy from the mind of a crazy moron….”Bing, Bing, bong”..’fart’

  16. JD Vance opened up to Trump, and shared his experiences down by the lake, somehow thinking it’s the school’s fault that he likey weenie, and Trump got a stubby. Sure, Pence is pissed 🤣

  17. This is like their last crazy lie about schools requiring kitty litter for kids pretending to be cats. There’s no limit to how gullible MAGA are.

  18. Well, I certainly can’t imagine my kid going to school and coming back torn to pieces by hollow points blasted through them from an AR-15 but that’s apparently a “fact of life”

  19. Uhm, the kid is more likely to be unalived in a mass shooting than come back a completely different gender

  20. Jimmy, you are being mean to your female friend, please go to the gender reassignment school committe so they can make you female too and MAYBEEEE learn some empathy.

  21. “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

  22. And I’m constantly seeing the Dems being “fact checked”. Do they not even bother anymore with the Republicans because its just a given that everything they say is a lie?

  23. He said this behind bullet proof glass. It’s almost like the real problem grazed right by his big dumb head and somehow he still missed the point

  24. Imagine sending your child to school and they are killed by a gunman. Trump says get over it. Vance says it’s a fact of life. Find me one parent of a child operated on by the school. Just one.

  25. What is he actually “referring” to? How do we get a Presidential candidate saying this shit and no one asks him what the fuck he is talking about?

  26. My little boy, Timmy, went to school one day and came home with a complete sex change. I was livid.

    To make things worse 1 year later Jinny, (the name the school gave him,) came home one day and told me the school forced him to have a post birth abortion! I was livid when I found out it was twins. But I got over it when I found out I won the school raffle, the prize was a brand new assault rifle.

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