Police use of facial recognition in Britain is spreading • The riots have given the technology a boost. Regulation is not keeping up

Police use of facial recognition in Britain is spreading • The riots have given the technology a boost. Regulation is not keeping up


Posted by Naurgul

  1. UK, meet the Imperial Boomerang

    For those unaware: Governments that develop repressive techniques to control colonial territories will eventually deploy those same techniques domestically against their own citizens

  2. We are already getting here in us. Every major city has some sort of facial recognition technology. It’s already spreading to smaller cities contracting out the older equipment. It will get to the point with ring doorbells you won’t be able to go anywhere without the government tracking your face. One day it will be the whole world.

  3. Have they solved the racist issue with facial recognition software yet? I remember this to be a huge problem a decade or so ago but no idea how the technology evolved since then

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