That guy behind JD Vance has an… interesting mustache.

Not sure where

Posted by GowBeyow

  1. The spirit of Hitler runs strong with this one…

    A normal candidate’s people would have seen this and said “absolutely not”. They look at the background and remove undesirable things. And yet, they saw this and said “that’s ok”. So it is what it is. And technically I’m not in violation of Godwin’s Law because Hitler mustache.

  2. There was a guy in my bowling league with a little moustache like that. He was all of 5’4″, so we called him the Pocket Fuhrer.

  3. But.. but they pick who stands behind them for television. So they saw the guy with the Hitler stash and said, “You, yeah you, get over here and get on tv!”

  4. That whole crew behind Vance are definitely non-politicos who were paid to be there. Looks like they pulled up to the 7-11 in a bus and offered $50 bucks to anyone who’d attend.

  5. The Hitler youth guy standing in front of a black guy? You have to have some sort of mental disability to be a non white or female voting for the hate party.

  6. Anyone else getting uncanny valley vibes from the person in the bottom right corner? We have what appears to be a Gray, Hillbilly Hitler, and JD Vance wearing guyliner…weird picture.

  7. I mean, what if he was there for a bit of satire, then shaved it in the parking lot on his way out? Probably not, but… you can make these things up.

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