Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the ‘Hannibal Directive’ during October 7 chaos

Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the ‘Hannibal Directive’ during October 7 chaos

Posted by 0x6835

  1. I mean have you seen the footage from the apache helicopters that Israel used how exactly do they know which were Israeli civilians or not also i highly doubt hamas has 30mm chain guns that leave giant holes in those destroyed Israeli civilian cars.

    28 Apache helicopters dumped their ammo on the Nova music festival attendees fleeing. Every Apache can carry 1200x 30mm explosive rounds- basically a grenade. 33,600 grenades

  2. Yeah, of the 800 Israeli civilians who died on Oct 7th I don’t think anyone outside the IDF has a good idea how many were killed by Hamas and how many by the IDF, and the IDF is… obviously not going to tell the truth about it while they are using that event as casus belli for genocide.

  3. It’s been known for months at this point. Reported (with receipts!) by EI, Mondoweiss, The Grayzone, Al Jazeera, Haaretz and I’m probably missing some.

    Even just survivor and soldiers testimonies in the first 2 weeks post Oct 7 were enough to understand it was invoked against civilians.

    I guess it might be news for people following IDF stenographers.. Ahem sorry meant western MsM

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