NYC Nanny Just Revealed MORE Shocking and Disturbing Information About Barron Trump, Including Animal Abuse

NYC Nanny Just Revealed MORE Shocking and Disturbing Information About Barron Trump, Including Animal Abuse

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. I suspect we will be reading about the misdeeds of this demon spawn decades into the future.

  2. Maybe he and his mother could leave the beast, get counseling? Maybe it’s a lost cause. Trump destroys everything he comes in contact with. This is just sad. Now are going to have to deal with another monster? I certainly hope not.

  3. This could be one of the reasons why they didn’t have pets moving into the White House in 2017

  4. I mean look he’s not a public office holder, all this indicates is that the Donald is a bad parent, are we really surprised?

  5. He could have a personality disorder, he could be responding to ignored and untreated trauma. Considering some of the things we know about trump family outings, I’m somewhat concerned about his kids being pumped out. Either way I feel like the only way for this guy to ever actually be remotely content in life is if he completely disappears from the public.

  6. Why would this kid want to go to New York where his father is hated and he’s shown himself to be MAGA?

  7. A privileged, isolated, entitled young man with horrible examples of family, values, love, autonomy….I’m not shocked hes exhibiting the dark trifecta

  8. Clearly, not a credible source, and apparently, very biased against the Trump family..,,

  9. Son of piece of shit with piece of shit half-siblings turns out to be piece of shit himself. Shocker.

  10. Barron must have been pissed when he organised the hit on his father and half the internet disbelieves Trump was actually shot at all and most don’t care…

  11. This is just fucking lazy journalism. Whilst it’s disturbing and probably not surprising to most, this article is almost word for word from the original article. I hate this fucking sensationalist ‘news’ website. With their shitty ads and all., do better. A lot better.

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