The second worst president of my lifetime.

The second worst president of my lifetime.

Posted by Lord_Bags

  1. Tbf, not endorsing anyone is already a pretty loud gesture especially when your ~~puppeteer~~ **Vice President** already said the quiet part louder.

  2. dude guys give it a minute they are spreading out the hard hitting Republican endorsements to keep momentum going until election day imagine if everyone endorsed Harris day 1. Literally nobody would remember or care by November 5th.

  3. President Cheney already said he would. Why does Bush need to endorse? That’s like getting Dan Quayle’s endorsement

  4. Ahh yes. Endorsing Harris will make up for destabilising the world and sending millions of immigrants to Europe and USA

  5. * For a famous Republican to avoid endorsing the Republican candidate is at least 50% as meaningful as endorsing the Democrat.

    * George W Bush did sponsor a major malaria project which counts as one good thing. 

  6. He’s 78. Younger than trump by 3 weeks. Think about that! No old timers can run for presidency anymore. This is stupid!

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