Falling gas prices are yet another blow to the Trump campaign

Falling gas prices are yet another blow to the Trump campaign


Posted by BothZookeepergame612

  1. Falling Gas Prices… Where??? It’s been in the same range for 6 months! Gas was $2.12 a gallon just before Election Day 2020! Let’s talk about Inflation… How’s that doing? Prices are still inflating!

  2. Well there is a lever in the White House marked “gas prices” Trump will move it to the lowest setting. Next he will look at the dial labeled “Economy” and turn that up. Then he will look at the knobs named “jobs” and turn them to create more. After that the sliding switch with inflation printed on it will be moved to the minimum setting.

    Then and only then will he take the cover off the most important button, press it and summon himself a Coke.

    Edit: Clearly this is satire, had to make this edit because well some people are not good at figuring things out.

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