Putin loses men and equipment as Russians surge towards Pokrovsk | Prof. Michael Clarke

“They’re holding in other areas. But and then and they’re pressurising Crimea and still attacking refineries in Russia, in the Rostov region.”

Russia’s push for Pokrovsk is fast becoming a costly operation for Putin as he tries to seize the Donbas town before winter, Prof. Michael Clarke tells Kate Gerbeau on Frontline

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  1. I didnt know that a comedian is on radio show too. LOL I will come here if i want to laugh when i am feeling down. This guy is great at talking nonsenses. 🙂

  2. Hay old man can you be honest and tell people what is really happening Pokroves is gone you know it RU is so determined and they their will be losses in war. The problem is that you are trying to make it appear that things are ok and AFU have no losses and that the help you are giving is sufficient. Even if you bring EU to Ukraine if will not change anything because if you can do something then you should have done it longlong time ago even before Putin.

  3. Chancellor Schulz is a weak, pathetic little man with blood on his hands. If ever there was an inappropriate leader for the point in history he finds himself in, it's Schulz.

  4. Es wird nicht mehr dasselbe sein, wie es mehrere Jahrhunderte lang der Spott über die Völker der ganzen Welt war. Die westliche Welt der kolonialistischen Sklavenhalter und Blutsauger ist vorbei. Die Völker der ganzen Welt öffneten ihre Augen und erkannten, wer ihr Feind auf der Welt war. Und der Krieg in der Ukraine wurde zum Beweis dafür. Die gesamte verrottete Welt des Westens wird verbrennen und verschwinden. Und niemand wird helfen. Denn dies wird eine wohlverdiente Strafe für die jahrhundertelange Verspottung der Völker sein.

  5. Ukraine would of been over with along time ago if the American government had stopped paying for it I’ve been against this since the beginning of the war no telling how much money was spent or taken from corruption 10percent for the big guy

  6. Ukraine has no grasp of Russia losses. They are just guessing, based on the hope russia will collapse in the weeks to come. Ukraine can't count the bodies because they are retreating. They offer us an extrapolation over some tactical local success and a great dose of racism (Russian are primitive that can't change their way of fighting).
    By the way, Ukraine has an habit of lying to its population and allies which is problematic to evaluate its own losses. I know how you're going to respond : you're going to say that Russia is lying too or more.

    This doesn't solve the major problem : Ukraine has a man shortage, Russia don't.

  7. He is totally lying when he says Russia is losing 1k men everyday and 100 armed vehicles. If that were true the Ukrainians would be flooding the internet with videos showing as much. He is just projecting. Ukraine is losing 300-400 a day in Kursk and nearly 600 a day in the Donbass.

  8. How does your speaker explain his interpretation of Russion losses of men and materiel vs the completely opposite commentary/reporting of prominent US political analysts like Jeff Sachs, Scott Ritter, Col Doug MacGregor, Prof Meersheimer, etc. Just FYI, analysts from neutral countries around the world like India, Turkey, Hungary, Brazil, Mexico, etc also report that Ukraine is losing badly and is only surviving because unlimited US aid of materiel, intelligence, money, and even boots on the ground in the guise of advisors and contract mercenaries.

  9. Of course the Americans knew about it. If they didn't know then what's the point in having the best surveillance in the world. This guy is showing us a potato and telling us it's an onion.

  10. My friend is Ukrainian he said: at least one million Ukrainian died. Every year Zelenskyy speech is we are winning the war but they are always short of men… they use unskilled soldiers to the front. Zelenskyy is a liar. and what ever village captured or destroyed by Putin is currently being rebuild or restored something the media not let us know. Most Ukrainian hate Zelenskyy much more then the Russians. Zelenskyy is now sending military equipment they get from nato to Israel instead of using it in the war and people say he got property all over Europe and he will flee to other countries because if he stays after Ukraine lost he will get killed. It’s a rumor what I heard from my friends

  11. What I can't understand is why an old man like putin is going to war, I realise he is evil, cruel and has no regard for anyone, the Russian people particularly but at his age why bother.

  12. Napriek podpore kolektívneho fašistického západu známeho z Mníchova 1938 a vojnových zločincov z USA nacistickeho Kijevskeho režimu denacifikácia ukrajiny pokračuje.
    Vivat Ruská Federácia.

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