

Posted by ShadEShadauX

  1. Remember kids – If you think you’re gonna lose, just say the game is rigged beforehand so when you do lose you said it was rigged so the win doesn’t count!

  2. Trump is not shy about taking people to court – what’s stopping him this time besides reality?

  3. ![gif](giphy|3o6vXQrsnvEamX8vq8|downsized)

    Blunder Twins power, ACTIVATE!
    Form of turd!
    Shape of a diaper!

  4. Trumpers blame all losses on cheaters even if they are the ones cheating, my son in law blamed the titans loss to the bears today was because the bears cheated. They just cannot accept that maybe it’s because of incompetence on their side.


    Lara Trump: “Umm, we did? It’s how you’re out on bail right now.”

  6. The perfect response from the Harris campaign would be: “you mean like the 11,000 fraudulent ballots you wanted in Georgia?”

  7. Simple. Who the hell is this expert? And what is this based on? Any actual evidence?

    The answers to those questions will answer the “where’s the investigation” question quite handily. The same way it did with all of Mike Pillow’s alleged reports that all turned out to be bullshit.

  8. My God I hope no one but the submerged maga even believe this for a second. We’ve been all through this, overall percent of election fraud in any state including PA .00001%. Practical 0%. Mail in is one of the best and most secure. It’s just not a thing but clear indicator that Trump expects to lose PA by sizable margin so he has to start slinging shit now. Truly sad that one man with fragile ego has managed to create distrust in one of our most important and well run national and local operations. Voting in free and fair elections is so important, having loser Donnie drag it through the mud is unconsionable.

  9. It should take seeing just one of his truth social posts to disqualify him from holding a government position and yet I’ve seen one or more everyday for the past handful of years.

  10. He has ZERO issues with name dropping, or doxing people. What is this expert’s name? Is the expert as equally non-existent as his evidence for voter fraud?

    Didn’t he just admit to losing the election fairly? If he can’t remember what he said last week, how is he qualified to be president?

  11. Pennsylvania’s election officials should just file the defamation of character lawsuit right now.

  12. Both the Pennsylvania AG and the US AG should call on this “expert,” for a statement. Get him on the record.

  13. People who make these accusations have no idea how mail-in ballots or voters registrations work. This is like saying 20% of all credit card transactions in Pennsylvania was fraudulent.

  14. The republicans had 8 years to improve election integrity either their bitching is all a farce or republicans are useless at protecting democracy. I’m going with both!

  15. Is this the election expert who had everyone searching for panda shit and bamboo fragments embedded in the Arizona ballots?

  16. It pisses me off to no end that people will see this guy trying to undermine the entire nation for his own vanity and still vote for him.

  17. Already starting with the bullshit lies. Here are some actual facts. One misconception is that mail in voter fraud exists. In the last 20 years, over 250 million ballots have been cast. Out of those there has been 143 cases of confirmed mail in voter fraud. That averages out to one case,per state, every six years or a fraud rate of 0.00006 %. Dogs or other pets cannot receive a mail in ballot,and in the case that your pet does open its mail and fill out the ballot his/her signature on the ballot would have to match the signature that your pet has on file with the election commission. And don’t even start with the fake ballots from foreign countries. It’s the same principle that states they can’t just print trillions of dollars of our money. Here is just one example of how secure it is. Let’s take Jefferson county,Colorado. Someone trying to forge a ballot would need a unique ballot number a barcode compatible with that county’s system, a sophisticated security sleeve that the ballot goes into,and of course a signature match. No mailman is going to steal ballots and dump them somewhere because they will go to federal prison for a long time. That’s why they don’t steal social security checks or something as simple as your magazine subscriptions when they arrive.

  18. “Tucker Carlson” and “interview”…..BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!

    The judges cannot accept this answer because an “interview” is done by a respected, responsible journalist.

    It boggles my mind that Faux Entertainment/Pretend News fired Tucker as a patsy for his role in acknowledging that he knew that the election wasn’t stolen in text messages to other Faux “hosts” and that he called Trump supporters “stupid” as part of the 800 million dollar settlement they paid to Dominion Systems over their defamatory claims about election theft, meanwhile, nobody in MAGA blinked and Tucker is still just “golly gee willikers, just asking questions here!” in their estimation, and is a respected journalist because he “asks the tough questions”-yeah, like the ones he asked Vlad The Impaler in Russia.

    You see, even dictators need to have “just questions” asked of them, otherwise, how could we form opinions about them without Tucker’s insight?

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