What MAGA parents wants apparently!

What MAGA parents wants apparently!

Posted by Reciter5613

  1. that’s because, to most magas, a dead child is less of a tragedy than a gay or trans child.

  2. I heard Trump telling people that the schools were doing sex change operations with out the parents consent. Trump is just lying. Who would believe this?

    Trump must not be allowed back into the Whitehouse. Vote like our democracy is at stake, because it is.

  3. “Teacher, can I go to the nurse’s office? I wanna swap genitals.”

    “Sure, here’s a hall pass. Mind the sand from the litter boxes for our furry students.”

    Who comes up with this crap?

  4. Trump loves to make new laws for things which are already illegal.

    Like making a law against Illegal immigrants voting.

    At this point it’s hard to distinguish between Trump being stupid and Trump being a lying sack of shit.

    Hard to say!

  5. Another day where the republikkkan party is utterly fixated on children’s genitals, being led by a confirmed pedo who went to epstein island multiple times.

    Yet this is normal cause its a republikkkan. There isn’t even a double standard, theres literally NO standar for the gop in the media whatsoever.

  6. No no no, they want to eliminate public education completely so school shootings are great for their agenda. It’s just another problem not to solve in order to justify doing something awful and unrelated. That’s Republicans entire routine for everything. 

  7. Wow, I didn’t know that not only can your child can get a healthy lunch, they can change sexes for free too!

  8. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but they are not performing gender reassignment surgeries in schools…… Full fucking stop.

  9. They know the bulk of their party are too lazy to research the facts about the candidates and just vote straight party ticket. It’s a shame because 15-20 minutes could bring positive results to our country.

  10. Hey, guess what. The thing on the left doesn’t happen at a public school because public schools aren’t attached to an operating room to physically alter a child’s body and nurses aren’t allowed to write prescriptions for drugs that chemically alter puberty. But more importantly, public schools ARE NOT PROMOTING SEX CHANGES IN ANY WAY. Public schools simply teach that different types of people exist and they should be treated with the same respect as anybody else.

    The thing on the right happens so often that JD Vance is suggesting that parents should just accept it and move on.

  11. MAGAs see their kids as property and nothing more. They view dead kids like one views a broken mug: replaceable

  12. Maga parents don’t want their children shot at school, but they definitely love their guns more than they love those children.

  13. I hope Kamala calls him out on his schools changing genders, and live birth abortions, that needs to come out on national tv since the MSM ignores it.

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