Personal Finance Tracker

(Reposting because it was removed yesterday for breaking rules)

Hi all, sharing my own tracker data because I saw a similar post about a year ago and it was helpful for me then.

All data is tracked in Excel because other aggregation services I’ve used have had unreliable account synchronization/I enjoy the manual check ins

Posted by WorriedMeat

  1. This is a pretty impressive improvement in just 4 years. Out of curiosity, what is your annual income?

  2. the lay off scare boosted your NW..
    your frugality and hard look probably took you to a much better place (guessing)

    i had a similar thing about 10 years back sudden jolt – staring at almost empty bank account and a lay off imminent)
    fast forward, I am in a better position but the frugality got so ingrained, I am unable to move past that.

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