German Chancellor Scholz calls for faster progress toward ending Russia’s war on Ukraine

German Chancellor Scholz calls for faster progress toward ending Russia’s war on Ukraine

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. either let Russia invade to its heart’s content (good luck), give Ukraine weaponry and ammunition that aren’t near obsolete so they can actually defend themselves (good luck), or a ceasefire (good luck)

  2. It’s like they’re all throwing the hot potato of “This war won’t end without forcing Ukraine & Russia at the negotiating table” without outright saying it.

  3. To be clear I want Ukraine to be given every possible weapon to win this war and no restraints on use of said weapons, but if I had to come up with a solution to end it below is my idea.

    My suggestion for ending the war would be to create a buffer zone that peacekeeping forces manage along the border. Ukraine would lose some land along the border there and crimea would stay with Russia but a buffer zone along the north side of the island would be in place also. No military installations on crimea. All children and POWs returned and Russia leaves the occupied areas. Ukraine commits to not joining NATO but gets security guarantees that it will intervene if Russia attacks Ukraine. I think this might be enough for pootin to save face and give him an off ramp.

    As for Ukraine I think frozen Russian assets should be seized and used for rebuilding efforts combined with donations from around the world and money supplied by the world bank at incredibly low interest rates to help them rebuild.

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