I’m convinced no one likes this guy.

I’m convinced no one likes this guy.

Posted by Savings-Sprinkles-75

  1. OK, OP. I have one question.

    Which one of the three is the “this guy” you’re talking about?

  2. The Beauty is that trump cannot admit fault, so it’s gonna be Vance, like him or not

  3. I still wonder what made Trump choose Vance? What a horrible choice. Zero charisma and very VERY weird.

  4. Trump is older than the average life span of an American male, so a vote for Trump is very likely a vote for Vance.

  5. If Trump dumps him, the Harris campaign should pay someone to call him a loser to his face everyday for the rest of his life.

  6. It makes me question Peter Thiel’s sanity that he’s so gung ho for this guy. I mean mate, you’re a billionaire. Couldn’t you get a paid minion that was at least moderately presentable- or at least didn’t seem like they learned to be a human being from some bootleg how-to VHS tape?

  7. Dump him in central park after chainsawing his head off and bungee cording it to the top of his van. Then drive back to New York with a garbage bag with a mouth hole ripped out. Or just eat him like he did a dog.

  8. If trump had even a small splattering of brain matter still stuck to the insides of his brain cavity, he’d watch JD like a chicken watches a fox.

    JD started out by describing trump in the worst language. Then after he won in ’16, cozied up like a cat on catnip – classic psycho turnflip. I think if turmp wins, first chance he gets JD will spike the hamdurbers.

  9. Vance is going to try and use the 25th amendment to have Trump removed. The republicans don’t want Trump to lead, they just need him to win.

  10. Dude with brainworm whose voice sounds like he’s a hair away from death, the guy who slathers himself in orange dye and shits himself with fast food diarrhea and can’t remember what he said 5 seconds ago, and the dude who apparently gets turned on by furniture, has all kinds of strange sexual beliefs and can’t do something as simple as ordering donuts. Amazing that this is the dream team for saving the country in a lot of people’s minds.

  11. Labeling the figures defeats the point of caricature, doesn’t it? Does the artist not have faith in his art?

  12. And worse still, he’s a vegetarian….who doesn’t know how to use a knife and fork*
    ( see the movie, if you wonder about the commenr😉)

  13. Based on what JD said, I assume that in his administration, billionaires like Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez should not have the right to vote since they don’t or can’t have children. Why there are ANY women would still not vote for Kamala is beyond me.

  14. When you saw Donald Trump on a Pizza Hut commercial in the 90s and bankrupting on casinos, did you ever think that this guy would run with Bobby Kennedy’s son who has brain damage from worms eating his brain?

    That’s the truth and it’s crazy

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