“Big, tough guys come up to me and ask, with tears in their eyes, ‘Sir, how do you heal so greatly?’”

“Big, tough guys come up to me and ask, with tears in their eyes, ‘Sir, how do you heal so greatly?’”

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. I guess Orangey used “Maderma— it’s skin care for scars!”
    He is such a lying drama queen.

  2. He heals like Deadpool, except for his bone spurs that kept him from being drafted. And cost his dad a few thousand dollars to the podiatrist.

  3. Well, Evander has a “black job” so maybe his healthcare isn’t as good.


  4. I come from a long line of great healers. Blue Heelers, Red Heelers, my uncle was a Queensland Heeler!

  5. On the bright side, Evander Holyfield’s professional life involved being hit on his head repeatedly, but he’s way more coherent and articulate than Trump’s ever been!

  6. I have never been a conspiracy theory person. Until now, there is something very fishy about this situation.

  7. I looked at the picture taken right after he stood up and didn’t see any damage other than the blood. I’m not a conspiracy nut but it sure seems odd to me.

    Oh, the others who were shot? Well, Barr and Trump killed Epstein to protect themselves and further their cause. Just saying.

  8. 🎶🎶**I was boxing with evander,
    staying at my own pace,
    lookin like a bull dog with my scrunched up face.

    Things got kinda ruff he jabbed me in the eye,
    suddenly i got hungry and his head looked like a pie!

    So I bit his ear 🎶

  9. He got a cut on his ear from shrapnel from the teleprompter that was actually hit. He played it up for the cameras.

  10. It would be quite interesting if Kamala just point blank asked him to explain how he went from wearing an Ear Pillow to not even a scab a week later

  11. And these shit for brains people have the audacity to say that this ass clown took a bullet for you.

  12. “tears in their eyes” I tell you I have heard Trump bullshit but this takes the cake. He’s a fucking idiot and I know we can’t keep the media from broadcasting his bs but if all ignored him, he would just lose it.

  13. His personal doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, who ironically was a stolen valor recipient, confirmed through a never seen CT scan that Trump was struck by a bullet.

    100% BS.

    Source: I’m a Marine.

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