Trump Keeps Suggesting People Who Aren’t White Aren’t Eligible To Be President

Trump Keeps Suggesting People Who Aren’t White Aren’t Eligible To Be President

Trump Keeps Suggesting People Who Aren’t White Aren’t Eligible To Be President

Posted by Postnews001

  1. And, btw, he himself is not white but ugly painted, several times a day. He is such a creepy maggot…

  2. White power groups should hate him since he does everything in his power to be orange, not white. What, is Trump not proud of his race? /s

  3. tds is now associated with trump followers that doesnt realize how big of a pos he really is…disrespect our troop, disrespect women and basically everybody with skin color other than white…astonishing how stupid his cultists are

  4. If it were anybody else let’s be clear they would have been run out of the race a long time ago.. but because Trump is such a large generator of revenue for the networks they have continued to portion it out for profit .if they were really on our side this issue would have ended him. Keep that in mind don’t forget it.

  5. He also habitually suggests People Who Aren’t White Aren’t Eligible To Vote. He’s rotten fruit of the rotten tree called KKK.

  6. Does the US Constitution say anything about orange people being eligible to be president?

  7. Says the worst president in history!

    Tell that to Obama, one of the best presidents of my lifetime.

  8. I immediately thought of Michelle Obama’s take down at the DNC: “who’s gonna tell him it’s one of them black jobs”. (Or something similar).

  9. It has nothing to do with skin color. He has questioned the eligibility using the law of natural born citizens with both Obama and Harris. Birthplace, not race or skin color.

  10. He just keeps saying the quiet part out loud. He may not be a racist, but the racists sure think he is.

  11. This story is old. I am sure what he really means is that anyone who isn’t old, with an orange complexion, and a crook isn’t eligible to be president.

    Which leaves us with only him, Forever.

  12. It must be so weird to be an old school Republican and realizing they could have just been saying all the quiet parts out loud this whole time without all the weasel words.

  13. It’s amazing how many of these people are trying to gaslighting us into accepting that natural born citizen requires your parents to also be citizens and that it always was that way.

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