I see your Trumpcult houses and offer my own contribution

Seen near Paw Paw, WV

Posted by Dashi90

  1. Knock on the door “pardon me, I was wondering if you could spare a cup of horse dewormer”?

  2. Embarrassing. It starts with a handmade sign, a flag or two and next thing you know memaw is on hoarders.

    The driveway is fucking painted with bullshit too. 😂

    So many hidden gems, I only see one confederate flag.

  3. if only they had ONE more flag, id have been convinced to switch my vote to this “very stable genius” lol

  4. I guarantee you this person is fuming online about Kamala’s proposed plan to tax unrealized gains for people with more than $100MM and complaining about the cost of gas and groceries.

  5. That should probably be condemned. How many people do they have locked in their basement? How many bodies buried in the yard?

  6. What is it about folks on the fringe of agriculture supporting Trump? Virtually all of rural PA looks like this. A small cottage or trailer on some unproductive corner of a former farm, littered with junk equipment and Trump crap. Now juxtapose that with the wealthy guy sitting on 1,000 acres next door with a four car garage, guest house and also a Trump fan. It’s weird.

  7. You’re very generous here with the word “house “ , it’s definitely more trailer-ish.

  8. that is on Old Town Road in Allegheny County Maryland. It’s a pretty busy road so there’s no problem cruising by. I’m sure he would love for you to swing thru and appreciate his incredibly well thought out and creative masterpiece (although I’m sure it’s not done). and yes his driveway is completely painted with Trump signs. I can’t wait till I can see it on Google Earth

  9. I just don’t understand how someone who is poor, living hand to mouth in a shanty, looks at Trump and is like “this guy gets me – I better send him money.”

  10. And of COURSE a nativity scene out front because, you know, Jesus supports world famous liars and conmen.

  11. I am looking at houses for sale in Missouri. Found two I liked and did a Google drive by of the neighborhoods Saw the neighbors had Trump flags on their porch. Those houses were taken off my list of possibilities ASAP! I have seen enough Fear Thy Neighbors to know I don’t care to live near the mentally insane.

  12. That has the look of a house where memaw died 4 years ago but they are still collecting her SS checks.

  13. Maybe if this cult family spent what cash they had instead of buying Trump souvenirs they could live in nicer homes.

  14. I saw shacks like this while driving through northern New York (Clinton county). Practically right across the border from Canada. I was shocked. Houses looked like 3rd world shanties absolutely covered in Trump cult banners and flags. wtf is in the water there

  15. I’ll never understand why these poor people worship a man who shits on a golden toilet worth more than their house.

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