So hard to choose…

So hard to choose…

Posted by wes-LA

  1. I place the blame on our MSM not going ass deep in reporting the absolutely Nazi styled shit the Orangeolini keeps promising.

  2. I really don’t get how it’s this hard to choose. You ALREADY experienced 4 years with both of them? You ALREADY know how one of them were as president.


  3. Trump: 6 weeks is too much but we should let states do whatever they want and everyone wanted to overturn Roe so I made that happen but we need to let women decide but the states are in charge and everyone should get IVF and it’ll be free and we’ll pay for it states will decide. Also a big problem is child care but a small problem compared to the money we’ll make from tariffs and countries won’t want to pay it but they will.

    Undecided voter: Harris doesn’t explain her policy well.

  4. “…on sight…”

    (Although, knowing the Cheeto-in-Chief… he would probably think it refers to websites like Reddit readers.)

  5. Dems should realize that there is a portion of the electorate who will never vite against someone. Trump could say “I will send packs of rabid dogs into Terry’s home” and Terry would wonder why he should vote for Kamala.

  6. I heard she changed her opinion on fracking, so I think I’ll vote for the demented, incontinent criminal wannabe strongman, just to be sure. Better the devil you know, amiright?

  7. “To put [undecided voters] in perspective, I think of being on an airplane.

    The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. ‘Can I interest you in the chicken?’ she asks. ‘Or would you prefer the platter of sh*t with bits of broken glass in it?’

    To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”

    — Humorist David Sedaris in a 2008 New Yorker column.

  8. in other words: “whats the alternative to shooting people and jailing everybody and getting in bed with russia and China , even though trump is putting tarrifs on china?”

  9. It’s really hard for us to accept there’s a significant percentage of the population that has been radicalized with propaganda to the point Trump’s policies look necessary.

    I really, really hate censorship. It’s a terrible thing. Hitler practiced censorship. And the Germans continue to censor things even today. [“The German penal code prohibits publicly denying the Holocaust and disseminating Nazi propaganda, both off- and online. This includes sharing images such as swastikas, wearing an SS uniform and making statements in support of Hitler.”](

    Censorship by Hitler was replaced with censorship of Nazi hate. Censorship of Nazi hate was introduced by the Allies after they occupied Germany at the end of WWII, and is continued today by the German government.

    Does anyone believe if Trump takes control that our cherished free speech rights will be preserved?

    Can we hope that whoever invades America after the Trump dictatorship is defeated in war will have better censorship laws for us, like the ones Germany has today?

    Vote Harris/Walz if you don’t want to think about the answer to this question.

  10. If you don’t know anything about Harris, then I guess you never watched her roast people on the Senate floor or watched any of the Supreme Court judge confirmation hearings, or her exchanges with Jeff Sessions. She is absolutely a great debater and all of her policies are on her website. Saying you don’t know anything about her is just you being lazy and uninformed.

  11. I’m not so sure there are that many undecided. More like many who do not want to admit they are voting Harris so they don’t lose friends and family, or don’t have MAGA on their front lawn threatening their family.

  12. Undecided voters are a myth that Center Right Democrats use to push their party to the Right and encourage their candidates to abandon the Left to “get those votes.”

  13. I am continually astonished by the dismal fact that it is even possible so many Americans think there is anything resembling a President in tRump.

  14. I’d laugh if it weren’t true

    So GD tired of Trump/GOP being coddled by the media

    While Harris/Walz/Democrats are held to unreasonably higher expectations that Trump/maga/gop is not

    Trump literally cannot say a complete coherent sentence.

    Meanwhile press is hounding Harris on minute details within policy.

    How…is this a race…much less a close one

  15. Super easy, every single one of Harris’s policies will make you richer either directly or indirectly. And biggest side bonus in 2028 you get to pick someone else. If Trump well then you will have no job, no bank account, no house and you will never get to select govt again, it’s starvation and being thrown out windows for you.

  16. Also – “ I remember the economy being much better when trump was President and before Covid”

    “Do you remember what he did during Covid?”


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