Get ready MAGA

Get ready MAGA

Posted by IAmAccutane

  1. They see the “R” next to their name and they’ll vote for them regardless.

    >!(Hopefully they see the *four* pronouns in that sentence and all need to go have a lie down.)!<

  2. Most magahats I’ve encountered have a similar speech pattern, so they are incapable of seeing what is wrong with Trump’s ramblings.

  3. FQX will tell them DonOld Sr won.

    Or Kamala might suggest some radical socialist commie programs like giving citizens healthcare, like radical socialist commie countries like Canada and the U.K. do.


  4. As if them actually watching and listening to him is gonna magically add 50 points to their IQ or something…

  5. These mouth breathers really had the strangest choice for a messiah. He’s the most foul human imaginable, but tens of millions of people act like he’s a combination of James Dean and the Pope.

    The historians of tomorrow will be working overtime trying to explain this debacle.

  6. Lobotomy is probably the only real option that would work for them at this point. Either that or a complete brainectomy–a melon baller would probably be sufficient for a single scoop.

  7. They claim Kamala is the incoherent one. Because they can’t understand a thing she says. Because they’re stupid.

  8. I don’t even see how they’re comparable in the first place. Sure, Biden had some senior moments onstage but that’s nothing compared to Rump’s constant lying, gaslighting, and the literal stream of nonstop diarrhea coming from his repulsive mouth.

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