Republican pollster says: I have never seen a candidate more determined to blow an election (than Trump)

Republican pollster says: I have never seen a candidate more determined to blow an election (than Trump)

Republican pollster says: I have never seen a candidate more determined to blow an election (than Trump)

Posted by designerzcentral

  1. Careful, that’s what I thought in 2016.

    I actually don’t think he wanted or expected to win then, but now he’s hooked on the power.

  2. He’s not trying to “blow” an election. He’s just not trying to WIN an election.

    He’s not depending on the actual election outcome as his path to become president.

  3. This is all because this vindictive cocksucker is in it to pay back Joe and Joe is about to retire. He doesn’t care about the Country, his voters or anything else. He just wants payback and he’s not getting it.

  4. He’s a full on narcissist who doesn’t listen to anyone but himself. I think that was the actual point being made.

  5. Trump is the first victim of trump, the polls tell him exactly what he needs to do, he does it for the first 5 seconds then he reverts back to his old ways

  6. He’s using the George costanza “do the opposite” strategy. It’s worked for him before, I think.

  7. He absolutely plans to be sworn in. He’s given up on getting there legally, but he fully intends to be sworn in.

  8. You keep thinking that . He’s like a locust storm since he won’t go away. He should lose then he will scream cheaters and call his basement dwellers

  9. Trump in 2016 and 2020 were close though.

    This is the same guy he always was.  No one who votes for him cares what he does or what he says, if they cared they wouldn’t vote for him.

  10. He’s leading in betting odds as well as most reputable polls, so he can even apparently fuck up losing.

  11. I mean, when your entire campaign is “THEY CHEATED” then I’m not sure you’re actually playing to win anymore. Just cry cry and cry.

  12. In 2016 there were conspiracy theories that Trump was actually a supporter of Hilary Clinton and intentionally trying to lose the election

  13. Makes little sense because once it’s over and if he lost the courts will be all over him. Does he prefer a Civil war instead of an election victory.
    He definitely appears to be trying to lose the election though…Let’s face it, the man is weird.

  14. He hates actually working, so therefore he doesn’t want to do the job. And he’s discovered that he makes vastly more money on the grift that his rubes lap up.

    Who TF knows.

  15. You wouldn’t be able to tell by reading anything from the MSM. They have been sane-washing him for weeks now.

  16. It’s actually quite simple. He loses the election and he repeats the process of telling his dumb supporters that the election was stolen and then grifts off of them.

  17. It’s a dead heat. People are stupid, the media is giving Trump-friendly headlines (which is all most people read), and the culture war is heating up, and folks out there actually believe immigrants are eating their pets.
    I want Harris to win very, very badly. I just think it’s gonna be nightmarishly close.

  18. Trump should come out tonight and claim Kamala Harris is the better candidate. It’s clear as day, he reaches over to her and says he would hire her, but she’s going to be the next President. This way he can piss on every one in his party simultaneously, instead of just Ron DeSantis. He’s lost the rebellion angle and the stolen election angle. If he steps aside, slips away, we could live with that.

  19. That’s bull. Trump always wants Trump to win. He had a lot of help to get there in 2016. He’s got billionaires sucking his teats, like they’ll starve if we raise their tax rates.

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