Do you have a healthcare plan?

Do you have a healthcare plan?

Posted by jesterlind

  1. It reminded me of The Simpsons.

    “Do you have any evidence?”

    “We’ve got plenty of hearsay and conjecture, those are *kinds* of evidence.”

  2. He also has a “concept of a clue!” He doesn’t have clue, but he does have the concept of one!

  3. This would literally be my next campaign ad. Kamala laying out her opportunity economy plan, followed by Trump saying “I have concepts of a plan”. Boom, smash cut to I approved this message.

  4. If I was on the Harris team, I would just play that question and answer on a loop on every TV in America

  5. I’ve literally had these arguments with the c suite of my old start up. Trying to explain to them they don’t have a plan, they have notions and concepts… and finally one of these idiots admits it.

  6. If his concept is to just trash the ACA and then wait a few years and put it back in place with but less beneficial and with his name on it… ummm he’s already played that game. Just ask any of the Vets who were getting care through the Obama plan (Veterans Choice Act of 2014) to have to taken away for a few years and then replaced with Community Care , which is basically the same thing with less efficiency Community Care ( *VA* MISSION Act of 2018).

  7. Donald Trump is the kid that started his homework in the hallway just before class and thinks his C- is pretty good.

  8. Also says “why didn’t she do any of that stuff?”

    Well you were president and didn’t get it fixed either so what was that again?

  9. My wife and I had to rewind because we were laughing so hard at the absurdity of it. Concepts? Bruh, you had 9 years and all you have are concepts? GTFO

  10. Reminds me of when my parents asked me how a paper is going that’s due soon…

    “It’s fine I have a rough draft in my head.”

  11. He and his new “boyish cut” toupee know his ass was used to wipe that floor tonight. Grandpa simpson has zero leverage.

  12. “I have concepts of a plan”

    do those concepts involve declaring bankruptcy every time a person goes to a hospital?

  13. I’m just wondering how long it will take for pundits to stark asking when he’s going to step down from running after a second poor performance in a row.

  14. This is my new answer for everything at work. If
    It’s good enough for a presidential debate it’s good enough for me.

  15. He has said since 2016 that he had a plan to replace Obamacare, proving once again that he’s completely full of shit.

  16. Independent “thinkers”

    I would like to hear more about these concepts before voting, or deciding not to vote

  17. My reaction when I heard this was saying to my mom ” I could go back to college, get educated on this kind of stuff, interview experts for a couple of years and write up my own damn plan in the time it took for him to come up with a freaking concept of a plan!” I have never seen someone so unqualified for literally every job I know of in the country much less being the leader of the country in my entire life. At this point I’m pretty sure you could train a chicken to peck Yes, no, or maybe buttons and get a more effective leader than this orangutan

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