Trump just said in the ABC spin room that he won the debate โ€œIt was my best debate ever. Iโ€™m winning in polls by 89%โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Trump just said in the ABC spin room that he won the debate โ€œIt was my best debate ever. Iโ€™m winning in polls by 89%โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted by Dyingtoeatpodcast

  1. I think he meant his diaper is 89% full and he won the debate bc he didnโ€™t fill it up and have a blowout.

  2. I am 62 yrs old and I must say trump stands out to be most BS individual whom I have ever known met seen heard.

  3. are these polls conducted on truth social? Is he actually reading the results of his fake surveys before the fleecing page?

  4. The fucking orange hued clown said something like 57% for one poll then 12 seconds later he said he wasnโ€™t below 70% in any polls

  5. ๐Ÿ˜‚ He got exposed, called out for who he is and how he operates, and said the most ridiculous things. So no. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. I can imagine the thought process behind this.

    “I’ll say ‘I’m winning in polls by 100%!’ Wait that’s a bit hyperbolic, even for me. “I’m winning in polls by 90%’! Better, but a nice round number sounds too made up, maybe I’ll go one lower. ‘I’m winning in polls by 89%!’ Damn, I’m good.”

  7. LOL classic Waddles. His wins are triumphant, his losses are really wins, and his ties are way too long. To most of the country, Donnie Dingus came across as a psycho, wildly flapping his gums about eating pets and killing babies.

  8. โ€œHarris/Walz Landslide Victory!โ€ is the only headline that matters right now.

    Make it happen America.

  9. It was a very persuasive performance to the key demographics which matter most this election. Forcibly “transgendered” prisoners, executed babies, and undecided Ohio pets.

  10. He was probably about to go watch one of the many sex change operations theyโ€™re doing on illegal aliens.

  11. He didnโ€™t soil his diaper and he wasnโ€™t wearing a feminine hygiene pad on his ear so it was probably a great night for him ๐Ÿ‘

  12. Harris slayed it but she should have reminded everyone more that heโ€™s going to jail if he does not win so heโ€™s got to say whatever he can to stay out of jail and therefore itโ€™s stupid to even ask him anything. His answer isnโ€™t going to be truthful regardless of the fact. She should have also taunted him more in general.

  13. When you have dementia…you do not realize the malignant narcissism. Mind you it is probably a cocktail mix of all of these mental illnesses.

  14. Projection. Telling his surrogates what to say. Wait for Fox and OAN to pick that up tomorrow.

  15. Heโ€™s high on drugs. Plus did you notice how hard he was leaning on his podium? His hands were glowing red. He looked out of breath and in pain standing there, my god what a weak candidate! Putin, who is known to used whatever weaknesses his opponents have against them. He would leave poor donnie standing out in the cold until he collapsed.

    His lies are old and getting even further far fetched than ever, and he is plain and simple a weak loser that would have us all on our knees facing Russia and China. This is really crazy, heโ€™s sick, tired, weak and dangerous. Letโ€™s put the country first and donnie out of his misery, vote honestly and for our homes and neighbors. Vote to grew our country for a future for our kids.

    Vote for Kamala Harris!

  16. “I hope you’re all having a really good time.”

    It got amazing when I checked my IG feed and saw that Taylor endorsed Kamala – using a shot from her TIME Person of the Year photoshoot that featured her with her cat.

    ๐ŸŽถShe had a marvelous time ruining everything ๐ŸŽถ

  17. He’s not even winning by 89% between his wives and children.

    He’s not even winning by 89% between people who *currently* work for him.

  18. I fucking despise this orange tainted piece of shit. I’m so fucking tired of hearing him talk about random shit. I love hockey but I don’t know what is going to cause more problems…..Trump shutting the fuck up or another season.

  19. “Hi, I’m Donald Trump. My mouth looks just like a butthole and I approve this message.”

  20. I think heโ€™s actually trying to lose so he can tell his cult of morons that he got cheated because itโ€™s more profitable to sell them outrage than it is to be the President.

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