Harris Dismantled Trump on Stage With a Debate Performance That Left Him Choking on His Lies

Harris Dismantled Trump on Stage With a Debate Performance That Left Him Choking on His Lies

Harris Dismantled Trump on Stage With a Debate Performance That Left Him Choking on His Lies

Posted by inewser

  1. Direct quote from someone I know that’s “UnApOloGeTiCaLlY mAgA”:

    *really funny how this “unbiased” news station is live “fact checking” Trump, but ignoring blatant propaganda and gaslighting from Harris. Pitiful how this country is at the moment. Look at her clearly memorized answers which clearly only deflect. She ‘Definitely’ didn’t receive a list of the questions being asked*

    She answered the questions without going off on tangents about immigrants eating pets, so she must have been given the questions beforehand!

  2. She boxed him in from the start like she needed to do, so very glad she did that. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 She did a wonderful job. He was exposed. He acted exactly as expected. He said crazy things again and again. She nailed this. The contrast in content and presence was clear. Register, inform, and vote. 🗳️🌊🇺🇸

  3. I can see his “handlers” screaming at the screen “aw fuck, noooooo, he did it, he did it again… shit.” when he brought up that crazy lie about immigrants eating pets.

  4. Trump always lies and the media lets him get away with it, and tonight Harris let him get away with it as well.

  5. When she walked confidently over to his space and forced a handshake outta him. Just forced him to acknowledge her in the sweetest way.

  6. Does anyone else get annoyed that the hosts keep calling Trump Mr. President?!! HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT!

  7. It truly is hard to imagine that there’s actually people out there believing that everything he just said was factual. There were also multiple times where he devolved into speaking like a 5yr old. Sad. Bigly disgraceful.

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