[OC] US Median Household Income by Characteristics (2023)

The US Census Bureau just released official income data characteristics for 2023. Here is a visual on some of these by me. See source for defintions of characteristics.

How to read (Example):

"High School Diploma": Median Household Income for a household where householder has a high school diploma (but no college) is $55,810. 24.1% of ALL US households fall into this category.

Source: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2024/demo/p60-282.html

Tools: Created with excel.

Posted by TA-MajestyPalm

  1. Cool to see. Does single female or male mean they have a child or it’s just counting them as a household?

  2. Nothing the government has done in the last 50 years has come close to having the same kind of impact on income inequality as married couple households going from 71% to 47%. A nearly 25% drop in a country of 330 million people. The one big factor that hasn’t made this even worse is the use of birth control/abortion during this time.

  3. As it displays now Family-Married Couples is close to the same height as 45 to 54 years old, while one is supposed to be 47.1% and the other is 16.4%. I know you’re displaying it by income, but stacking them next to each other and adding % is a rough way for the simple quick glance viewers to understand it.

    May be better served as 5 separate bar charts?

    Lots of great info here though, well done.

  4. >The income estimates in the main sections of this report are based on the concept of money income, which is pretax

    I am aware, that there are many different income taxations on the state level, but is there a rough number, what e. g. 80’600 USD is after taxation and health care? Or are there some fancy online calculators were you just put the number in?

  5. It would be so hard being a single female, family. Is this counting child support as the income? My area I live in, it would be impossible to be a single mother.

  6. European/German guy here. Thank you for this interesting piece of data.

    One question: If we talk about household income, which mandatory expenses do US citizens have?

    Background: In Germany the overall houshold income is much lower but all social security payments are already deducted (health care, pension funds, unemployment insurance, nursing care insurance).

  7. Just wondering, looking at the Race classifications:

    – Are Iranians classified as White or Asian?

    – Are Pakistanis classified as Asian?

    – Are Moroccans classified as White?

    – Are immigrants from Spain classified as Hispanic or White?

    – Is the Black category based on self-identification? So a person who is 1/8 Black and 7/8 White, who self-identifies as Black (common in the US) is counted as Black?

    – Shouldn’t mixed race and Pacific Islanders be included?

    – Are aboriginals (natives from Australia) classified as Black, Native or excluded altogether? (I know they’re an extremely small demographic, but still)?

    – Are natives from Mexico or other Latin American countries, who immigrated to the US, counted as Hispanic or natives?

  8. Boy is student loan forgiveness totally necessary. After all degree holders only make *2.3x* more than high school graduate households.

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