That look you have after you realize you just embarrassed yourself in front of millions of people with the worst debate performance in American history

That look you have after you realize you just embarrassed yourself in front of millions of people with the worst debate performance in American history

Posted by rhino910

  1. Debates are more fun to watch when we have 6-7 republicans instead of just one. Comedy from all angles.

  2. The you feel the diaper overflow and it’s starting to go down your leg AND it’s not the worst thing they happened to you on stage tonight look.

  3. This would require him to have a shred of self-awareness. Anyone who goes on a national stage and screams at the fact-checker “BUT I SAW IT ON TV!” is not a person who is self-aware.

  4. Imagine, it’s his worst nightmare. It’s a black woman, obviously, and his campaign was based on Biden getting too old…

  5. I remember feeling like shit the day after Biden’s debate. I was on Reddit discussing how Biden needs to be replaced.

    Wonder what trump voters are thinking today 🤔

  6. All I’m going to say is this: Hillary Clinton also looked like she owned the stage in the debates and was leading nationally by 7 point up until the election day.

    I still think he can win. Maybe people get lazy because they think it is in the bag like last time. It’s not. Voooote

  7. What stood out to me was how *sad* he looked the entire debate.

    He said all the same nonsense, but there was none of his usual bravado behind it.

  8. That is the look of a guy getting his Bluster on to go backstage and announce that it was the best debate of his life, it was a perfect debate, and he just crushed her. Haha. The look of delusion! It should be familiar by now

  9. The fun thing about dictators is that, when the people begin to rise up against them all they can do is call for more caviar.

  10. After every defeat, he simply declares that he won. What worries me is not this mentally ill old man. It is his enablers that are the issue here.

  11. If avoiding STDs was Trump’s personal Vietnam, then the day after the debate with Harris is his personal 9/11

  12. Hell of a freezeframe there. Dude looks like he’s about to hurl and is trying to hold it in.

  13. Just remember, **Trump is running for POTUS to stay out of prison.** He doesn’t give 2đź’©s about the USA or its citizens.

    If elected, on top of staying out of prison, his goal, along with the GOP, is to finish the implementation of Project 2025, aka Mandate for Leadership.

    **Mandate for Leadership** is a series of books published by The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think-tank based in Washington, D.C. They offer specific conservative policy recommendations designed to be implemented by the federal government.

    The books have traditionally been released to coincide with an incoming U.S. presidential administration. The first edition was released in 1981, following the election of Ronald Reagan, to serve as policy guidance for the incoming Reagan administration. **The latest edition, published in April 2023, is a major component of Project 2025.**

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    Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Harris-Walz and democrats down ballot. **Country before party.**

  14. That looks like Will Ferrell in old school after his debate. He breathes out and says he blacked out and doesn’t know what happened.

    I imagine Trump also blacked out and doesn’t know what happened, but also was nowhere near giving as cohesive of an answer.

  15. That’s ok. It’s on him for applying to a job he was fired from, by those same 80 million bosses.

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