This Was the Beginning of Donald Trump’s Final Unraveling

This Was the Beginning of Donald Trump’s Final Unraveling

Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. >Let’s cut to the chase: “I have concepts of a plan” was the defining moment of this debate and is going to go down in presidential debate lore as one of the most pathetic lines in debate history.

  2. nothing that happened last night to fundamentally change the election demographics as they already existed. the undecided voter is just that: a myth. they always were decided they just like to respond all wishy washy.

    we could have the election tomorrow and it would be the same as if it happened later, no one is changing sides anymore.

  3. He has a “concept of a plan”. The man that has been in office before and talked about the great plans he has made, but never presented them.
    It’s the same as saying “I know what I’m doing, trust me”.

  4. I think there’s a real chance he flees the country ahead of the election if he realizes he just can’t win.

    Because he is absolutely going to prison if he stays here and isn’t president.

    It’s going to depend on whether his narcissism or his cowardice wins out.

  5. We’ve been saying this for 10 years. He is not stopping, the only way this ends is when he dies and even then he will still get millions of votes. Why did the kid miss?

  6. She dog walked him all evening. Trump has had 212 weeks to share his mystical health care plan. Meanwhile 45 million Americans are enrolled in coverage related to the ACA.

  7. In what world is this the beginning of his unraveling?

    That started years ago. Has everybody been living under a damn rock? Remember when the WashPo counted all the lies he told while in office, not including the ones before and after (Spoiler: it was 30’000)? Or when he ran his “administration” off of Twitter?

    For God’s sake, there really is zero integrity anywhere – as if any of his erratic nonsense only emerged yesterday

  8. That would only happen if his base abandons him and unfortunately they are still rock solid even through this insanity

  9. Remember that even with all this blatant nonsense, the race is statistically tied and very close. obviously not much can rattle the MAGA cult anymore. Please please please vote 🗳️

  10. He said he doesn’t want to read Project 2025, so ‘the concept’ is how ‘the plan’ has been explained to him.

  11. People have been saying that for 8+ years. The folks that back Trump, and who are trying to foist him on us yet again, aren’t giving up so soon.


  12. Well at least he had concepts ! He probably could have made something up like Harris. At least he answered questions, Harris couldn’t answer one. Why was he fact checked where she wasn’t, They both did a shitty job, why did she get to take notes? We are fucked either way!

  13. Been watching this slow train wreck from up in the great white north . He s off the rails now. He can’t possibly hope to win after that shitshow. Right ? 😳🙏🇨🇦. Jail next stop.

  14. I sent his comment about immigrants eating pets to a friend who’s a Trump supporter, and he replied that we’ve had Haitian immigrants eating cats since the 80s. In Washington State.

  15. Trump’s guaranteed to win once he started talking about eating dogs and cats, right? Took that straight out of the George Washington/Lincoln playbook. So intelligent. 😂

  16. Let’s bring it home by VOTING in numbers so astronomical that there is zero doubt and the mandate is clear. Let’s flip this page and send this PoS to the history books so he can putter around for the rest of his likely short and miserable life until he dies alone and utterly defeated.

  17. Considering it was a 3 vs 1 and Trump seems to be the winner for the average Joe with Dems immediately wanting another debate, Kamala looking very insincere and emptyheaded, I see it as a W for President Trump.

  18. Showing up is half the battle. And he did do that, which that fact alone amazed me. 33 lies to 1. That’s impressive. I hope some folks that didn’t realize before that this guy is scum, learned it last night.

  19. The one “positive”(I consider it a negative) I’ll give him is he’s not much different than he was four years ago. Like, he gave about the performance I’d expect of him back then, last night. Which, depending on your feelings, could be a positive in that his age hasn’t impacted his personality, or a negative in that he’s always been a fucking nutjob. If we had a sane country this election wouldn’t be anywhere near close. Sadly, we have an aging population of lead sniffers whose brains are breaking down as they prepare to enter oblivion. So his insanity feels like home, to them.

  20. Mocking that reporter, grab’em by the pussy, sexual assaulter, relentlessly insulting people, racist, wanna be dictator, 34 time felon, suspected pedophile, insurrectionist… The list goes on.

    Last night was the beginning of his unraveling? It shouldn’t of gotten this far. Half of this country makes me ashamed to be an American. Yeah yeah, go ahead and say the same about “the other side” but history will be the judge of who is on the right side of it.

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