Trump gets big mad at the debate, just like Harris planned

Trump gets big mad at the debate, just like Harris planned

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Kamala mopped the floor with the weird weak old man. Donate, volunteer and vote. Keep the momentum going.

  2. This kind of alignment between prediction and outcome can be used to critique or defend debate strategies.

  3. She provoked him and he fell for it, bringing up immigrants cooking pets… that was very effective on her side to make him mad and have him say something crazy.

  4. He fell into her trap, tried to get up but fell into the trap again, then when attempting to leave the room tripped and fell into the trap yet again.

  5. I hope this debate made it clear to those sitting on the fence who is and who isn’t fit to be President. This is no longer about ideology or even policies, it’s about who is grounded in reality and who isn’t and the decision to continue with or to end democracy.

  6. She totally tore him apart. He was unable to answer virtually any question without prevarication. Consistently lying and telling half-truths is a good way to get fact checked more than your opponent.

  7. So after claiming his tremendous new healthcare plan would be unveiled in two weeks, 4 years later it’s just “concepts of a plan.”

    How is this not an issue with those who claim Trump has integrity?

  8. She got to choose what she said, and then she got to choose what he said. Absolutely hilarious.

  9. I wish just one she made a small reference to him being weird. Something along the lines of “it’s weird that my opponent thinks he is still running against Biden…” or something about “weird lies”. I think that would trigger him.

  10. Yep and has no policy knowledge just says border, economy, immigrants, concepts, but no plan how to do any of it, he has no clue. I don’t think he even knows how to cook bacon, I could run circles around him cooking bacon and making a BLT he would say is the best BLT he has ever had, bigly!!

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