Armenia Allegedly Transferring Most of Its Air Defense Systems to Ukraine

Armenia Allegedly Transferring Most of Its Air Defense Systems to Ukraine

Posted by MongolPerson

1 comment
  1. Wtf is going on with Armenia. Despite threat of Azerbaijani Invasion looking over their head, their leadership continues to sacrifice their security to please NATO. At this point, it is just a toxic one sided relationship. NATO ain’t interested or capable of admitting them. Europe is choking on Azeri oil. Israel and Turkey openly support Azeri. Armenia has already rekt whatever little protection CSTO offered. And now this.

    Sure Armenia may recieve a few AD systems in exchange but it will take along time to train and master these AD systems.

    It just doesn’t make any sense. What’s Armenia’s current governments obsession with pleasing west to the point that they’d destroy their own country just to get a pat in the back.

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