House GOP In Turmoil After Speaker Johnson Scraps Wednesday Vote Amid Infighting

House GOP In Turmoil After Speaker Johnson Scraps Wednesday Vote Amid Infighting

House GOP In Turmoil After Speaker Johnson Scraps Wednesday Vote Amid Infighting

Posted by inewser

  1. I guess he wasn’t able to parse Trump’s answer to the question “Do you want me to shut the Government down for you, Mr. Trump? And would that be before or after our Thursday fellatio session?”

  2. Yay! We get more GOP games to threaten and lessen stability of our nation!

    Thanks MAGA voters! What you adore it seems!

  3. Attempting to hold our government hostage right after their joke of a cult leader tanks the debate is definitely a winning strategy with voters.

  4. What kind of asshole is willing to shut down a government, possibly large parts of a nation, just to pander to the ego of a 78 year old sex offender malignant narcissist? [All eyes turn to _that_ side of the aisle.]

  5. **oh no!** it couldnt have happened to a more upstanding group of people! how ever will I recover from my extreme disappointment that republicans are fighting amongst themselves, and cant come together to vote **against my interests and personal rights?**


  6. Republicans are completely incapable of governing anything. Every repug administration in the last 50 years has left the economy in chaos and the government in shambles. We cannot allow this to happen again.

    Republicans **HATE** America.

    Republicans want to **DESTROY** America.

    Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

    It very likely does.

  7. I wish them all the best with their new conservative party after Trump loses his third popular vote.

  8. “MAGA Republicans are eager to orchestrate a government shutdown, believing it will serve as a strategic advantage for former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.”

    Honest question, are they really this fucking stupid? Do they really truly believe that the American populist doesn’t fully understand who is blocking funding and causing government shutdown?

  9. They are forever the incompetent inconsolable toddlers that fail over and over to meet the minimums required to accomplish anything related to the governance expected of them

  10. if they don’t vote, then it will make them look bad and that should make voters think twice about such an obstructionist group of people

  11. Let’s be honest, Trump is the current Speaker of the House. He scrapped this bill after last night’s debate performance.

  12. What’s the word for this….? Disarray?

    They should try being ‘in array’ like the democrats are

  13. I bet they’re having fun in those closed door meetings with internal polling showing them losing and no money coming from the RNC, and oh yeah the debate last night might have come up.

  14. The GOP is a broken, run down circus where all the animals are sick, the tents are falling down and the “sad” clowns are *actually* sad.

  15. Christ even *mitch fucking McConnell* knows that every time they’ve had a shutdown the republicans have gotten blamed.

    You wanna gaurantee a Harris win? Orchestrate a shutdown the month before the election 🤦🏻

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