In the South, this look is usually accompanied with “Bless your heart”

In the South, this look is usually accompanied with “Bless your heart”

Posted by Atticus_Flinch_Esq

  1. “Oh, you poor man, the delusions are getting worse, aren’t they”

    The fucking guy looked and sounded like someone addled by dementia.

    He can’t stop lying and I’m starting to wonder if he can even distinguish the truth from fantasy.

    I don’t feel any sympathy for him because he made these lies his life’s work.

  2. I think there was a missed opportunity to call him out for lack of critical thinking skills leading to believing internet bs. Something like “you all know how hard it is to keep grandma from falling for scams; do you want someone like that running the government?”

  3. I’m southern as they come. I literally heard this in my head when she reacted and would have lost my shit if she had dropped it on him.

  4. I’m in Australia & they just showed some clips, without sound, and her expressions just say it all. She has a very expressive face & she used it to full effect.

  5. And to think, I was had been about the debate. I think the person who said it best was the swing voter (hard to believe that such a person exists) who said that he had been uncertain before, but he could see her as commander-in-chief material. The fact is, that she whupped Trump’s ass across the debate stage and back again. She showed the nation in real time how easy it is to manipulate Trump. She came off as the Power on the stage, she showed how completely bonkers he is, and she highlighted her policies and how they differ from Trump’s policies including Project 2025. There was a slow start (I don’t think she handled the first question well), but by the time the debate was over Trump was nothing more than a quivering mass of malice and recrimination, ready to go back and hide in its cave.

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