The US presidential debate saw Trump become what he most feared: a laughing stock

I got news for him: he’s always been a laughing stock.

Posted by Secret_Cow_5053

  1. And she’s bad, bad Kamala Harris
    The baddest lady in the whole damned town
    Badder than old Orange Shitgibbon
    And meaner than a junkyard dog

    And made him cry

    Bad, bad Kamala Harris

  2. What he most “is” is what he feared! He earned it. old DON is done!


  3. His statements about how he “won”, were taken from NewsMax, that haven for independent voters.

  4. He says he won ” by alot ” I find these 2 words in this context show exactly how very ignorant sounding. Like a toddler. Oh yea thats who we’re speaking about. Like the election denying. Of which he held on to for 4 years. Tried to overthrow the government. Tried to have his vice president murdered.
    A complete and total traitor

  5. The orange anus looked like he was about to cry when she hit him on people walking out of his rallies.

  6. So true, some of the world is laughing some are saving, oh they eat cats and dogs too, but they kill babies after 9 months of pregnancy

  7. She got wrecked. You are going to have a hard time spinning that faceplant into a win. Good luck. You better hope someone who didn’t watch it reads this because anyone who watched it saw her panic and lie lol

  8. I been saying it. spent too long treating him like someone to be upset about. Laughing at him will melt him like the wicked witch of the west.

  9. I just hope that from now on, someone asks him how he feels about losing this debate to Kamala, every single time he gives an interview.

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