[OC] How truthful have candidates been in the past three US presidential debates?

I loaded three fact checking analyses from Politifact (links below) into a workspace for analysis and classified the findings as:
True, needs context, misleading and false.

I extracted the information from the text of each analysis and sorted each claim into one of three four categories based on the Politifact analysis.

I am not super political but this data is fascinating and I’d love to repeat it across multiple different fact checking sources. This post is intended to be a visualization from one source across three election cycles. However, there are sooo many other fact checking sources out there. My request is that you drop a link to any you think I should include in a comment below and I will repeat this visualization for each source and post a link to any fact checking sites you think would be interesting to visualize.

Posted by Electrical-Set-1116

  1. I like how the colors in the left hand column of charts actually evoke his physical appearance in an abstract way.

  2. Nice idea. Would be nice if the text was easier to read, and consider including the total number of each, not just the percentages?

    Also seems like the data is quite biased. Like has Trump really not said a single truthful thing in the debates this year? Seems like they are only picking the more egregious things to fact check. It would be nice to see an analysis of every claim made.

  3. Anytime someone is saying a person is 0% truthful is a sign of bias. Not Ops problem, but the sources.

  4. I mean I hate trump as much as anyone else, but 0% across 3 debates? Come on… he even lied about his name or what? Something really wrong with the sources

  5. This dataset is inherently flawed because Politifact will only fact check claims that are at least somewhat contentious. At least, it does not match the title “How truthful have candidates been”. For example, they did not write about the claim that Trump made a deal that released 5000 Taliban prisoners because it was obviously true.

    If you make 50 total claims, 10 of them are analyzed, and 5 are false, it is not the same as making 50 claims, 40 of them are analyzed, and 20 of them are false.

    I deem this graph… **Missing context**

  6. Kind of a cool idea.

    Stated elsewhere here, but I think the font could be improved upon. Size & color. More for the Candidate names, and the numbers within the pie chart. I wouldn’t think to use these colors myself, but I actually like the warm palette you went with here.

    Also, more sources might be needed. I find it hard to believe someone could do go through 3 debates without any factual statements. This just makes me question the data, and thus invalidates whether I’m interested in really anything this visual has to say.

    I don’t know enough about political biases outside of the: FOX = RED & CNN/MSNBC = BLUE. But my first assumption here would be that there is a biases at play here. Unless something of more validation could come forth to show that Trump is indeed giving primarily all false & misleading statements.

  7. I think last night proved how flawed ‘fact checking’ studies can be. The media’s political bias leads to only ‘fact checking’ one side.

  8. Really? 2/3 of what Harris said was false or misleading? And *nothing* Trump said in all three debates was true? Surely he said something inconsequential that was true.

  9. More proof that pie charts are a bad way to represent data. Bars might not look good, but 10/10 times they are easier for people to read if you set them up right.

  10. Fact check website raw numbers are really stupid to use as data because they don’t randomly select the claims they’re rating, often times they’re going to literally select based upon “fairness.”

  11. These places grade on the curve for Trump to . For something for to be call false it has to be outlandish. For Biden and Harris not so much.

  12. We’re supposed to believe that Trump never, ever says something that is simply true?

    Hmm, smells like propaganda to me…

  13. How many facts have turned out to be false after the fact and how many lies ended up being true? We live in a propaganda world.

  14. Ah yes literal propaganda. I’m not even a trump fan but shut the fuck up. Y’all want to make libs look stupid? This is how you do it.

  15. Biased or not – these facts are concerning. Both parties and candidates speak more lies than truth. How did we get to this point? We need a moderate party

  16. Bullshit, you are saying Trump has never said anything thats true? Like no fact has ever been true during debates?

  17. As someone says, as much as you can hate Trump, 0% truth is legit impossible stats wise.

    Even adding 1% or 10% is more likely but having someone say nothing truthful is mathematically impossible.

  18. Trump hasn’t said one fact in the past 3 elections? If you’re gonna post propaganda, at least make it believable

  19. I hate Trump so much I made the news for it haha, but the idea that he has NEVER said something truthful is absurd, even to me.

  20. Imagine spending even 5 minutes creating this infographic and not realizing that every item, on both sides, is extremely misleading.

    Do better, OP. And stop asking other people to do your work for you.

  21. 1. Pie Charts are very rarely the answer when it comes to r/dataisbeautiful. If you think pie charts are a good data visualization you probably shouldn’t be posting here.
    2. You’ve decided to report on an incomplete dataset and present it as fact. As many others have posted, you have simply regurgitated one websites analysis of SELECT statements and their authenticity, yet presented the data as ALL statements and their authenticity. In order to do this project well, don’t leave out the possibility of doing some data collection yourself, and then adding the data for a more complete picture.
    3. Consider stack bar charts that correct for number of statements or time speaking (as opposed to pie charts that imply equality).

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