‘That was said sarcastically’: Donald Trump fails to hide his embarrassment after being called out for his rampant 2020 election lies

‘That was said sarcastically’: Donald Trump fails to hide his embarrassment after being called out for his rampant 2020 election lies


Posted by mcspocky

  1. One thing I’ve learned since 2016 is that Donald Trump does NOT do sarcasm. He means and believes every single thing he says.

  2. Maybe someone should give Trump a sign he can hold up saying “I’m being sarcastic” when he’s being sarcastic, because the rest of us can’t tell.

  3. I’m surprised no one has pointed out that when David Muir first read him the quotes, Trump asked, “I said that?” I wish more people would focus on that he literally does not know and/or remember what he is saying—particularly on a subject as consequential as whether or not he believes he lost the election.

  4. This guy is just a grifter, con man, thug, and has the maturity of a 10 year old child. He has only made it this far due to the greed and ignorance of those grabbing at his coattails. When he was on The Apprentice, it became clear his fund of knowledge is lacking.

  5. Get rid of this Russian plant, now. Yesterday should have been the day, that he goes to prison.

  6. My brother in law watched with us for a few minutes. I said something like, “I can’t believe he’s still trying to get people to believe that stolen election nonsense.”

    BIL What do you mean? There’s so much evidence!”

    Me Where, Dan? Where is it then?

    BIL Listen! Right there! Did you hear him? See? He has all the evidence! He just said it!

    WTAF has happened to people.

  7. Because when I’m asked a serious interview question for the most important job of my life, I like to throw in some of the stand up I’ve been practicing while keeping a straight face and acting angry about it.

  8. “**embarassment**” … HIM? It is to laugh … (I suppose I mean that statement in two senses 🤷‍♂️)

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