KamalaHQ trolling the Trump campaign by dropping the entire 100 minute debate as an ad

KamalaHQ trolling the Trump campaign by dropping the entire 100 minute debate as an ad

Posted by CrazyAssBlindKid

  1. My only wish was for her to say….”you had 4 years why didnt you close the border?” That and actually call him unhinged and epsteins pedofile wingman.

  2. I was watching Twitch the night of the debate and for some reason Trump’s twitter always shows up in my recommended channels, despite me never watching political streamers. But that night, his channel wasn’t recommended but Kamala’s was. This made me a little curious so I looked up his channel and found it was offline (despite being online for every single one of his rallies).

    Clearly his campaign wasn’t confident in him at this debate while Harris’ was.

  3. One thing that did bother me about the debate was how sometimes Kamala would also not really provide a straight answer to the questions asked. Usually she was good about it but particularly the first question I remember sitting there and just waiting, like, “ok, and your answer iiiiiiiiiis… And her time is up”

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