‘Worst on television’: Trump throws tantrum after Fox News host panned his performance

‘Worst on television’: Trump throws tantrum after Fox News host panned his performance


Posted by Quirkie

  1. Remember when people thought women can’t be president because they would be too emotional?

  2. Not only did Trump get a severe verbal pasting from Harris, but it was nicely followed up by a Swift kick in the balls.

  3. Cavuto is not alone in criticizing the former president’s debate performance.

    A prominent psychiatrist Thursday said Trump exhibited common signs of mental decline, a panel of swing state voters told The Bulwark the performance made them feel “worse” about the Republican nominee, and former conservative lawmaker Harold Ford Jr. called it a disaster.

  4. Trump is like a colicky baby. Maybe it’s just gas from all of the McDonalds meals he shoves down his gullet.

  5. An angry old dotard wearing way too much base makeup that isn’t matched to his skin or features trying in vain to remain relevant. Nice pic!

  6. Some things never change. It shouldn’t be considered news when Trump throws a tantrum. When does he not?

  7. Cry baby FELON! Can’t wait for orange striped Bubbah to make the orange menace his bitch just like Harris made him her bitch in the debates!

  8. My guess is that people got tired of him lashing out at anyone that says anything bad. That includes people in the media. They dont worry about getting on his bad side anymore. That alone suggests they have already written him off. And his constant talk about ratings. Cant help himself, to the point about saying things were AI.

  9. Just what you want in a presidential candidate. Unbelievably thin skinned and incapable of taking any criticism without melting down /s

  10. He’s a PATHOLOGICAL liar!

    Spread the word – just like WEIRD it’s gonna incite him and his BASE!!

    He can’t refute – or he’s LYING!!

  11. Look at the weakling loser throw a temper tantrum.

    Such sour grapes, DonDon! Bird’s gonna come along and poop on that lip!

  12. There have been some really great books written about Operation Paperclip, which was the smuggling of Nazi officials out of Germany to work for the US. I say great, meaning well written and researched, not great that we saved so many that should have swung. For better or worse, many of them made huge contributions to the US.

    I can’t wait to see how the MAGA maggots try to squirm their way out of the massive weight of their attempts at bringing our country down, their attempts to make us something else. When the Megan Kelly’s and MGT’s of the party realize that they have absolutely nothing to offer the country. When they finally have to admit that they existed solely to be a praise chorus for a mad man that didn’t give a rats ass about them. Some will go on to contribute to our society, but the majority will hopefully just fade into obscurity and forever be known as traitors.

  13. This fucking guy is so unfit to be POTUS, if you can’t see that by now you have your head up your ass so far you’ll never see the truth. Fucking guy should be in prison right now.

  14. Voters. You need no other evidence than this behavior. And you’ve seen it dammit, day after day.

  15. America should drop the Electoral College crap and go straight to a popular vote. Whoever gets the most votes wins

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