they whine about moderators rebutting lies; they whine about FBI “fraud” when the data shows crime rates have fallen; they insist the city manager just hasn’t seen the dog-eating; the Republican problem isn’t with any of those people; the Republican problem is with reality

they whine about moderators rebutting lies; they whine about FBI “fraud” when the data shows crime rates have fallen; they insist the city manager just hasn’t seen the dog-eating; the Republican problem isn’t with any of those people; the Republican problem is with reality

Posted by newzee1

  1. Of course, it is. Because in reality, they don’t stand a chance with their 15th century ideology.

  2. It’s simple. They all worship, and work for Satan, and their only goal is to turn the entire planet into Hell. It’s why they’re only happy when they’re hurting other people.

  3. When cities are caught NOT reporting crime…libtards are sheep….they believe what they’re told, not what they see.

  4. It’s true, read their responses to the debate, it’s all excuses to cope. All he had to do was not lie and nothing to fact check, just be honest and nothing to worry about dude!

  5. For some reason the gym I go to is dominated by republican men. The gym itself has no political leaning.

    Anyway everything about the debate is now a conspiracy theory. They cannot accept the reality Trump lies. It’s a conspiracy

  6. I was talking to an ex-coworker back in 2022 and he kept saying how Trump had won and they just didn’t count the votes.

    So I asked him about the 62 lawsuits filed by the Trump team in regards to their alleged voting issues.

    He told me he didn’t know about them?

    I was stunned. So I asked him, “Are you for real?”

    He told me yes, he didn’t know about any of them.

    So I looked them up wiki and gave him my phone while telling him the judges threw all but one out and the one that stayed had absolutely nothing to do with any changes in the outcome.

    As I’m telling him this he tells me the judges must all be liberals. To which I pointed out many of them were Republicans appointed by Trump.

    He got quiet and gave me the phone back and didn’t say shit else to me about Trump winning but I’m sure he still believes it.

  7. It’s pathetic that they have to rewrite history with “alternative facts” to even attempt to make that clown look good. And at the end of the day it’s all just bullshit anyway.

  8. The fact that Tulsi Gabbard had the gall to go on after the debate and act like things were the opposite, like liberals are the ones not accepting reality, was like watching the twilight zone.

  9. Donald Trump ‘I accept!” in response to a fake AI Taylor Swift endorsement but can’t accept the real results of the 2020 election. Why do Republicans force this clown down our throats for 9 years and 3 Presidential elections?

  10. Well said. As Orwell pointed out, an authoritarian regime’s first and foremost goal is imposing a deluded ‘reality.’

  11. The phrase “Reality has a liberal bias” exists for a reason. Republicans are unable or unwilling to acknowledge reality.

  12. Are these whiners really who we can trust to run our country?

    Oh boo hoo China isn’t doing everything we wanted. The Taliban is mean to us. The EU isn’t letting us dismantle consumer protections for the CEOs that bribed our senators

    America deserves better than these whiny losers

  13. Don’t forget how they insist that some cities were burned to the ground by BLM. Cities that somehow, miraculously, still exist.


  15. Democrats dont face reality, highest inflation of my life.. ie dollar dont mean shit.
    ILLEGAL people from everywhere causing problems/ corruption we are only just beginning to see

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