UK charges pro-Palestine protester behind divisive ‘coconut’ placard

UK charges pro-Palestine protester behind divisive ‘coconut’ placard

Posted by chrisjd

  1. I mean, I consider myself a coconut but to my family it’s a term that means any Asian westernised to the point of not really having any emotional connection to my ethnic heritage, which is fine by me. Fucking weird to find it’s a hate crime. They gonna start locking black people up for using the n-word now?

  2. What’s weird is they also locked up two South Asian people who protested her hearing with the same placard with a giant “this is parody” bit of text on it – they were clearly protesting the governments actions and not being racist against those politicians (who they shared ethnicity with) – I don’t see how they’re not effectively political prisoners, locked up for criticising the government.

  3. Where’s the freedom of speech and the right to protect, UK is. democracy and it shouldn’t let foreign countries like Israel influence government

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  4. Sometimes I have to be reminded that UK literally is not a free country. Imagine being arrested for mean words. LMFAO. Sorry, but being arrested for calling someone a coconut is the most absurd thing ever. I can only conclude this action is being used to suppress criticism for Israel’s genocidal actions.

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