Ahhhhh! That explains it

Ahhhhh! That explains it

Posted by langecornu

  1. Hey Trump supporters: If you’re mad Harris didn’t get checked much at all, it’s because Trump told 33x as many falsehoods.

  2. I saw an article with a couple. One was she exaggerated how bad unemployment got under Trump, and the other was taking Trump’s “bloodbath” comment out of context.

  3. And I still can’t figure out why only one of them was getting fact-checked during the debate.

    Edit: Sorry, dropped my /s.

  4. I hate Fox News, but in this case I think CNN should have put up a real number for Harris. Just to be fair and impartial. Also, I hope Laura Loomer shoves something up Trump’s ass this weekend and it gets infected and he becomes too sick to be President.

  5. 🚔 🚘

    👮 🚘

    👮 👨 🚘

    👮 :”you were swerving a little, how many drinks have you had tonight?”



    👮🤜 💀

    👮:”ok how many for real?”

  6. Undecided voters: see they both lie. They’re exactly the same and I can’t figure out who i should vote for.

  7. I’m absolutely sure there Harris told more than 1 lie. Most fact checkers consider the “good people in both sides” thing to be misleading, at minimum. Let’s say she told 5 lies – Trump would still have told 6 times as many lies.

    BTW, someone could make the statement more truthful by saying it this way:
    “You know that time there was a rally to protest taking down a Confederate statue? Trump said there were good people on both sides of that debate. There were also bad people there, outright fascists, racists, and klansmen. Trump never denounced them. Are they included in the ‘good people’ he’s talking about?”

  8. The wildest thing is that when Trump was ranting about “transgender surgeries for illegal aliens in prison!” that one was actually true. Kamala, thankfully, supports gender affirming care for people in prison, which includes immigration detainees.

    But he was so nutso off the rails by that point that it came off sounding about as true as the Haitians eating pets.

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