“Are these two really the best options?”

“Are these two really the best options?”

Posted by TheKimulator

  1. This is actually an apt metaphor. The hamburger patty isn’t *good* for you, but it’ll keep you alive a bit longer. And anyone who is undecided after 2016 is just showing they’re uninformed and don’t know how our country works

  2. I really wish the burger came with ketchup and mustard so I guess I’m going to have to go with the glass.

  3. But the broken glass doesn’t *want* to hurt *me* and it used to be something that could hold liquor, and I don’t want to eat any burger on an empty stomach.

  4. The burger for some people is a vegan burger with beef added.

    For others it’s a beef burger with beans and vegetable pulp.

  5. Remember – **ANYONE** who says both sides are the same is a Trump voter who is ashamed of what they did just trying to convince other people not to vote.

  6. But I can use the broken glass to hurt people I don’t like. What are all these cuts on my hands? It must be the hamburgers’ fault! Those damn hamburgers.

  7. David Sedaris has a similar line in this:


    “To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

    To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”

  8. I saw an NPR article about an undecided voter in Georgia who was disappointed in Trump for not taking responsibility for Jan. 6th.

    As if Trump owning up to it would be a plus in Trump’s column.

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