I’ve Traveled Across The Country To Attend Trump Rallies. Here’s What You Won’t See On TV.

I’ve Traveled Across The Country To Attend Trump Rallies. Here’s What You Won’t See On TV.


Posted by PacificSun2020

  1. >I’ve Traveled Across The Country To Attend Trump Rallies

    Man, talk about watching paint dry.

  2. It would be good to get names and recordings of these folks saying these things, make sure they are reported to law enforcement and their employers are made aware so as to ensure their actions have consequences…

  3. – “dystopian carnival” with street performers, vendors, and a party atmosphere.
    – Vendors can gross around $10,000 per event selling MAGA merchandise.
    – The real action occurs while waiting for the rally, not during Trump’s speech.
    – Music is adapted to the MAGA crowd, with performers changing lyrics to fit pro-Trump themes.
    – Attendees embrace vulgar and obscene language, with profane merchandise being common.
    – Conspiracy theories and misinformation are widespread, such as Obama running the government and civil war threats.
    – Non-white attendees are celebrated as “proof” of diversity, despite frequent racist comments.
    – Many attendees don’t believe there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses.

  4. If it’s festival seating, did you ask how the only black people at the rally are always seated in camera view, yet never seen at the front of the line?

  5. >No one I talk to believes there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses the election in November.

    Are they trying to say they will again try to overthrow the government and end democracy in the country?

  6. I disagree with the message at the end. We DO NOT need to “come together” and “listen” to these assholes, we just need to defeat them.

  7. I would bet money some crazy shit will happen on the day of the election at the election site in Springfield, OH.

  8. >Kids wander around in “No more bullshit” visors with fake Trump hair attached, and browse bumper stickers that read, “I like big boobs and small government,” or show a naked woman’s torso with pistols resting on her hard nipples and the slogan “I <3 guns, titties, & whiskey.”

    The party of “American Family Values”. You’re a demon whore for ending that pregnancy because you can’t afford to raise a child and/or don’t want to drop out of school, we need those small heads to ~~groom~~ fill the “no more bullshit” piss hair visors

  9. After spending all that loot hooking their trains to Trump’s, probably a lot of them will have the “sunk cost fallacy” running full-bore when he loses and will buy into the “new American revolution” or anyway “next Civil War” idea and start shooting. What else do you think those guys driving pickup trucks with Trump, Rebel Flags, Swastikas, etc. will DO? They won’t want everyone laughing at them any more than Trump does.

  10. This simply reinforces what we already know: they want to return to a time when only straight white no -Hispanic Christian men were allowed to participate in the American Dream.

  11. Frankly, I believe which ever side loses there will be bloodshed and violence after the election

  12. > They love that Trump created a space to speak their minds, which, in many cases, means being able to spout racist, sexist, hate speech that was all but forbidden in public life just a decade ago.

    This really tracks with the Trump supporters I’ve encountered. They were like children who just discovered the word “fuck”

  13. I seriously hope the author can come up with some insight into what happened to all these people to make them such disgusting human beings. I can understand differences and strong opinions on policy. What I don’t get is how can these people choose to be so vile. You don’t like immigrants and don’t want them here? You’re entitled to your opinion. But that is NOT the same thing as spreading filthy lies like the current pet eating stories. I would never intentionally lie, especially to harm other people. And threatening violence? No, reveling in the mere thought of violence – I could never do that. I believe there will be violence when he loses but I just don’t understand what drove so many people to be so incredibly evil.

  14. Fuck those idiots. I have no fear of them. There may be sporadic violence but their time is up. Trump is their leader? He couldn’t get a job as cafeteria cook. Trump is going to lose by historic margins. A huge percentage of people are just waiting, not participating in polls. Just waiting to vote. A historic landslide is coming. Everyone vote! 

  15. It’s exactly what you’d expect it to be. It’s a big Trump tailgate party, full of Trump fans getting sauced and acting like Trump (being total assholes). Everyone gets hammered, they file in to the rally, he does his freakish wiggle dance, they go apeshit, he starts jabbering, they get sleepy, then they sit in traffic for two hours waiting to leave, with the back seat filled with crappy Trump swag that’ll end up in a landfill by December.

  16. I’m sure there will be some isolated violence. But deep down these MAGA loons are pussies, and don’t want to wind up in jail. Unlike 2020, Trump will be on the outside, looking in with no power or control. Hopefully Biden has the balls to do whatever is necessary.

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