Laura Loomer and Trump Sitting in a Tree, K I S S I N G – – The far-right provocateur and the former president are spending quite a bit of … together time. Where’s Melania?

Laura Loomer and Trump Sitting in a Tree, K I S S I N G – – The far-right provocateur and the former president are spending quite a bit of … together time. Where’s Melania?

Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. Cheating on your wife with a woman who is far less attractive is definitely on brand for Trump.

  2. Not sure how to explain this to her, but she is going to have to remove a diaper if she plans on sleeping with him!

  3. From what I can tell, the more involved she’s gotten with Trump, the more unhinged he’s gotten and the worse things look for him in the election.

    So I’m wishing them all the best for the next 52 or so days.

  4. “Look at me! Women still love me and want me, I’m not a lying sociopathic sack of shit after all”

  5. Remember those photos of trump holding melania the same way -hand on the waist and pulled close? Guess he is not paying melania enough to let him touch her so this vile person must be free

  6. Not to be a Debby downer , who cares.. if he dies from whatever disease she infects him with, it’s good for the country.. that cheap deformed Chinese blowup doll could be the next Typhoid Mary who saves our country from shittler

  7. Trump cares far more about people thinking he’s fucking than actually fucking. Important eunuch hasn’t been able to get it up without torturing children since the first Bush Administration.

  8. Meanwhile, previous side piece Alina Habba is getting grilled for ethics violations for her role in protecting Trump in a hush money deal.

  9. Does she blow him with the diaper off or does she just wallow in the shit? Everybody is wondering.

  10. Oh know hes cheating again, hmmm what commandment he breaking again.
    Who cares, the 88 crowd dont care.

  11. OMG!! Someone call the press! A known cheater openly cheating on his wife in public??? Gonna be a problem when she needs an abortion….there is no end to the Trump Filth. I hope to never hear about him after he gets wrecked in the election. Enjoy your tire-pump faced mistress and all her misery!!

  12. Nah I’m definitely a HUGE Loomer fan! 😂 She might be the Trojan horse we never saw coming.

    Jigsaw needs to summon all the batshit powers concentrated in those beady black eyes and suck him dry in every sense of the phrase for the next 50 or so days.

    Hopefully he discards her like he does everything and every other person in his life and she, like a batshit crazy 31y/o enjoying the attention, Uno reverses that shit and does something diabolical all for the fame. I really wouldn’t put this past her. I’d actually bet on it. This won’t end well.

    That said… Go Laura, go Laura, Go!!

  13. Anyone want to bet that Loomer is actually a Russian asset because why the fuck not? This is all so batshit crazy I don’t know what would shock me anymore.

  14. Happy A.F. giving cero f’s in the world knowing she won’t be First Lady a second time after Wednesday’s 🫶🏼performance.

  15. Can someone paint a red and white target on her face and give her a tricycle to ride around on…. Serious Jigsaw vibes here

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