‘You’re a racist disgrace’: Ex-MSNBC host unloads on J.D. Vance over late-night post

‘You’re a racist disgrace’: Ex-MSNBC host unloads on J.D. Vance over late-night post


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. JD hates himself more than he can possibly hate anyone else. His displaced hate boils over into the real world.

    His ego covers his weakness by belittling others so he can feel better about himself.

  2. How comes nobody is asking Vance if the White House is going to stink like curry if he becomes Veep? Is his Indian wife planning on having several dozen grandmothers, aunts, and various Indian relatives moving in to help care for their children?

  3. Stinkys new best buddy Lara Loomer made racist remarks on Kamalas Indian heritage, wonder if JD agrees with that also?

  4. I just said this very thing to my class. In my 36 years of teaching people who hate others hate themselves.

  5. JayDEE is lying. What made him change his tunes re. Trump wasn’t “they are eating the cats”, it’s the fact that Usha has completed her transformation form POC to White on June 2, 2023.

    Right now, a newly caucasian Usha is helping her POC children turn white so they can become JayDEE’s children too.

  6. If the dems take both branches we need anti Nazi laws like they have in Germany. Let’s skip the war

  7. Being an MSNBC host is one of his very few failures. I don’t know why you’re building him as such.

  8. What is it with you people? Everyone is labeled a racist disgrace if they don’t agree with your lunacy

  9. The media, especially CNN, supports Trump because of money profits, that’s why they treat him like an actual viable candidate, no warts, so to say. Pure and simple CNN like Trump would sell out the US for money and profits.

  10. Getting called a name by anyone from MSLSD is a real badge of honor. “Fans don’t boo nobody’s.”

  11. He needs to answer Meghan McCarthys question; “If this has been happening in Springfield since 2016 why haven’t you done anything about it? “

  12. Duplicity has been the battle cry trump and the repubs for years. They love America but want to tear it down. They believe in free speech but want to control the media. They are anti-abortion and yet support services to feed and foster children. The list is endless.

  13. Once you resort to calling someone racist like that you have lost the debate. An obvious attempt to drag JD down.

  14. I guess I am interested in what the voters in his home state think of him. Especially between a year ago and now. Or… has he always said truly strange shit?

  15. And with 78 yo candidate chances are better than not that JD would have to takeover before the end of Trumps term. Reason 7,962 not to vote red.

  16. They are going full in betting that their racist MAGA followers will be enough. I think that’s really what their strategy is. They are not trying to soften or moderate their message to grab the voters in the middle. They are going full on into that hardcore MAGA demographic betting it will get them the win.

  17. Vance has proven repeatedly he has the same dark view of America as Trump has … and he’s going to make sure it gets worse if they’re elected.

    This is HATE.

    “We need help not hate.”

  18. Maybe JDV is saying all these awful, awful things because (as he did previously say) he really does hate Trump and he is trying to sabotage Trump’s campaign.

  19. I really hope his wife realizes her mistake like Melania has and just divorce him and takes half his stuff and moves on with her life I don’t how she’s still standing by his side after all this out I juwt hope she gets out of it sooner rather then later

  20. Imagine being Usha Vance in the middle of all this. How awkward is that? Like, is it dead silence—save for the occasional tinkling of cutlery—at the dinner table?

  21. I’m curious if anyone has mentioned that if Trump wins, Vance and 8 cabinet secretaries could declare Trump mentality incapable of serving and invoke the 25th amendment. Who could say that they were wrong? Hello President Vance.

  22. I can’t read the article but this feels like the trauma queen Keith Olbermann. I’d love it if he and JD Vance locked themselves into a closet and don’t come out until they come out.

  23. There is absolutely NOTHING racist about his post. It’s the tool of the weak mind to claim everything said about brown skinned invaders is racist. ONLY in white countries does this occur. This is the product of an attempt to destroy White People altogether. And secondarily a tool of politics. It’s weak, and mindless. The concerns of US Citizens should be foremost up front for Government. You are silencing Americans for no certain reason at all. Because pointing out how utter SHITE these invaders are is racist? BULLSNOT. Have you seen Haiti? We are importing third world destroyers. They turned their country to crap and we bring them in to do the same?

    NOPE. American Citizens have a say. You do them a disservice by ignoring the truth on the ground. These invading scum should be sent home. They aren’t holy, or untouchable. It’s as if they are divine. Apparently they are no MORE EQUAL than others.

  24. Probably the worst ticket I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I really don’t know how any sane and free thinking person can look at either of Trump and Vance and say “Yep, those are my picks to lead the Country”. I pray for a Nation that elects Trump for a second term. He’ll be older than Biden is now during his term. What a total nightmare.

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