Just a reminder. Robert Kennedy Jr. just endorsed Trump.

Just a reminder. Robert Kennedy Jr. just endorsed Trump.

Posted by reddit4485

  1. Projection: Always accuse others of what you are guilty of. Anything he says he is most likely guilty of doing himself.

  2. Anything Trump says, you can assume the opposite is true. Anything he accuses others of, you can bet that Trump is guilty of it.

    People are saying that Trump has eaten dogs and cats. A big strong man came up to me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Sir! Donald Trump ate my dog!” True story, totally happened. Tell everyone.

  3. So story time. I had a boss that would vacation in weird spots. Like, Central America during unrest spots.

    He came back from one and tells me how this camp he stayed in with military (for safety) had all these dogs. Then, before he left two weeks later he asked one of them where all the dogs had gone. The guy said “What do you think you’ve been eating?”

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