‘What a grim thought’: Donald Trump accused of having affair with a virulent racist who’s too extreme even for Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘What a grim thought’: Donald Trump accused of having affair with a virulent racist who’s too extreme even for Marjorie Taylor Greene


Posted by mcspocky

  1. Holy shit she looks like a plastic doll. Ugh, actually disgusting and I havent even gotten to the racism part

  2. Perhaps one of the patriotic cunservative bimbos from Fox will take a bullet for America?

    Perhaps Jesse Watters.

  3. Her (Doomer Loomer) tweets on Twitter (don’t care what it’s called), scream of a drug fueled episode. One can just imagine her and Trumplethinskin sitting at mar-a-lardo, snorting fuckin Adderall and just Tweeting.

    The fact that Keefe (Mighty Gemstone)…I mean Marjorie NON-Soylent Greene came out and said *”Thats a line too far:* is a red flag like no other.

  4. If it’s true they are bumping uglies, You need to google John Edwards presidential campaign disaster.

  5. She’s not too extreme for MTG, 3 Toes is just jealous that she’s not the one down at mar-a-slob-o with orange messiah.

  6. You “whip it out, zip it up again, can’t keep it from going to town” Trump. You are a shame on all men, really all people.

  7. She looks like a bad troll design outa a 1980 Jim Henson movie

    That’d be 100% on brand for team red-hats

  8. DEI hire, We know why she got the job. She’s willing to do what Melani won’t do anymore since she hatched Baron. 🤡🍄

  9. Let’s not pretend MTG isn’t a racist pig too. She is just pissed that loomer gets to fuck Trump

  10. Nasty nasty woman. I wonder when she’s getting the mandatory MAGA supersized dose of Botox for that MAGA duck lady look. Why do so many conservative women have that Kimberly Gargoyle lip treatment? Do they actually think it looks good?

  11. When you compare the two women in his life you have to wonder if his eyesight is going in his old age.

    I wonder if he is now going to claim that Americans are being eaten in Springfield.

  12. Good God! If they concieved a child, it would look like a cross between Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz. And, be just as scary.

  13. Media needs to get on this. Start asking about Loomer, her role in the campaign, and what type of influence she is peddling. She’s way worse than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon, because she’s unhinged. Also, is this an extra marital affair?

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